Friday, August 28, 2020

Juvenile delinquency however as a field of study Essay Example

Adolescent misconduct anyway as a field of study Paper Different hypotheses have been proposed to clarify the reason for adolescent misconduct, this have run from the legitimate to the most essential and instinctual. Adolescent misconduct anyway as a field of study is a generally current turn of events, previously, social orders rebuffed adolescent guilty parties as though they were just youthful lawbreakers. This training depended on the reasoning that the reasons for wrongdoing are the same from the reasons for criminal activity and ought to be rebuffed all things considered. Researchers have attempted to clarify why adolescents take part in criminal abnormality; early hypotheses were established on odd notion and fantasy, while the old style way of thinking accentuated sane individual decision. As social orders turned out to be progressively unpredictable, hypothetical models of wrongdoing mirrored the social orders comprehension of its condition and its predispositions in that specific time. We will compose a custom article test on Juvenile wrongdoing anyway as a field of study explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Juvenile wrongdoing anyway as a field of study explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Juvenile wrongdoing anyway as a field of study explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Natural hypotheses of adolescent misconduct have existed for a long time and albeit a portion of its cases are disagreeable, it had increased logical trustworthiness en route. For us to have a more profound comprehension of wrongdoing, we should likewise examine contemporary settings and the past for we gain understanding from past develops. Besides, organic speculations give us an elective method of getting misconduct, but in a deterministic way. Natural speculations of adolescent misconduct allude with the impact of acquired physical characteristics on human conduct. The various ideas present a deterministic clarification of misconduct and guiltiness and hold that a few people are â€Å"naturally conceived criminals† with physical characteristics that oversee their degenerate inclinations. These characteristics incorporate hereditary, natural, biochemical profiles that hypothetically cause or have a solid impact upon one’s inclination for degenerate conduct (Martin, 2005). The ramifications of organic hypotheses to misconduct is that choice or individual decision of the individual is just optional; rather it is the inside physical qualities of the person that causes degenerate conduct. Natural speculations of reasons for misconduct incorporate physiognomy, phrenology, atavism, heredity and somatotyping. Physiognomy sets facial qualities were regarded to be markers of good character, with the goal that a legit appearance may acquire trust than an unscrupulous appearance. The hypothesis of phrenology expresses that the mind is the wellspring of all character, including freak character. It is said that irregularities, knocks, spaces, projections and other cranial highlights were viewed as pointers of mental health. The hypothesis of atavism hypothesizes that hoodlums could be distinguished by crude physical peculiarities present during childbirth, anyway it expresses that it doesn't decide culpability however are markers of criminal inclination. Heredity has likewise assumed a significant job in clarifying reprobate conduct, particularly in requests identified with the event of culpability in families. The hypothesis expresses that abnormality is hereditarily encoded in those naturally introduced to a family bunch that has degenerate qualities. A cutting edge advancement in the hypothesis of heredity is chromosome hypothesis, it is accepted that people who carry out violations conveys with them an additional Y chromosome or the overly male condition, it was discovered that guys with the additional Y were more typical in penitentiaries as opposed to in the general public (Jacobs, 1965). Somatotyping is another modification of a more seasoned hypothesis on body types, this looked to distinguish certain body types that are bound to be found among guilty parties, of the three body types, Sheldon found that mesomorphs (individuals who are strong, strong, thin in the midsection and hips, and wide bore) were seen as adolescent delinquents. The natural speculations on adolescent misconduct attempted to clarify the reasons for reprobate conduct, as such it has been in a constrained manner since it doesn't represent individual decision or the person. Be that as it may, this is actually the pushed of the natural speculations; it expels individual responsibility for one’s activities and rather is represented by the inner procedures and qualities of one’s body. The organic hypotheses allowed me a chance to think at how nearsighted our perspective on human conduct was previously, however all things considered it additionally shows man’s resourcefulness in scanning for answers. All things considered, be that as it may, there is truth in the cases of the natural speculations, similar to when we appear to like kids who are charming looking, and why we avoid youngsters who are definitely not. There is even nearly this generalization that adolescent delinquents look like mesomorphs in body types, and that we regularly hear individuals state that youngsters are in some cases brought into the world underhandedness? In this manner, it very well may be said that regardless of whether organic hypotheses are obsolete and should be logical, it in any case is an instrument to expand our comprehension of wrongdoing. References Lope, Rachelle. (1982). Family Correlates of Male and Female Delinquency. Criminology 20:149-67. Howell, J.C. 2003a. Forestalling and Reducing Juvenile Delinquency: A Comprehensive Structure. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Jacobs, P., Brunton, M., Melville, M.M., (1965). Forceful conduct, mental oddity, and the XYY male. Nature, 208, 1351-1352 Martin, G. (2005). Adolescent Justice SAGE Publications, Inc.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Longfellows The Rainy Day

Longfellow's 'The Rainy Day' Youngsters across New England know about crafted by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, whose Paul Reveres Ride has been recounted at numerous an evaluation school show. Longfellow, conceived in Maine in 1807, turned into an epic artist of sorts for American history, expounding on the American Revolution in the route minstrels of old expounded on triumphs across Europe. The Life of Longfellow Longfellow the second-most established in a group of eight youngsters, was an educator at Bowdoin College in Maine, and later at Harvard University. Longfellows first spouse Mary passed on in 1831 after an unsuccessful labor, while they were going in Europe. The couple had been hitched for just four years. He didn't compose for quite a long while following her demise, yet she roused his sonnet Footsteps of Angels. In 1843, following quite a while of attempting to prevail upon her for almost 10 years, Longfellow wedded his second spouse Frances. The two had six kids together. During their romance, Longfellow frequently strolled from his home in Cambridge, crossing the Charles River, to Frances family home in Boston. The extension he crossed during those strolls is presently authoritatively known as the Longfellow Bridge. Yet, his subsequent marriage finished in catastrophe also; in 1861 Frances passed on of consumes she endured after her dress burst into flames. Longfellow was himself consumed attempting to spare herâ and developed his acclaimed facial hair to cover the scars deserted all over. He passed on in 1882, a month after individuals around the nation commended his 75th birthday celebration. Group of Work Longfellows most popular works incorporate epic sonnets, for example, The Song of Hiawatha, and Evangeline, and verse assortments, for example, Tales of a Wayside Inn. He additionally composed notable number style sonnets, for example, The Wreck of the Hesperus, and Endymion. He was the main American author to interpret Dantes Divine Comedy. Longfellows admirers included President Abraham Lincoln, and individual scholars Charles Dickens and Walt Whitman. Investigation of The Rainy Day This 1842 sonnet has the renowned line Into every life some downpour must fall, implying that everybody will encounter trouble and sorrow eventually. The day is a representation forever. Composed after the demise of his first spouse and before he wedded his subsequent wife, The Rainy Day has been deciphered as a profoundly close to home investigate Longfellows mind and perspective. Here is the finished content of Henry Wadsworth Longfellows The Rainy Day. The day is cold, and dull, and dreary;It downpours, and the breeze is never weary;The vine despite everything sticks to the disintegrating wall,But at each blast the dead leaves fall,And the day is dim and dreary.My life is cold, and dim, and dreary;It downpours, and the breeze is never weary;My contemplations despite everything stick to the decaying Past,But the expectations of youth fall thick in the blastAnd the days are dim dreary.Be still, tragic heart! what's more, stop repining;Behind the mists is the sun still shining;Thy destiny is the normal destiny of all,Into every life some downpour must fall,Some days must be dull and grim.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Answering a question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Addressing an inquiry - Assignment Example The sentences have been seriously developed. While perusing at the principal look it appears the author will send the most significant work to whom he is interfacing with by the 25th of March however after close perusing I entered that your most significant work is only a title of a book. The right request to compose the date isn't Mar.25 however either 25 March 2013 or March 25, 2013. The date ought to be written in full with the year. It is smarter to consistently utilize full type of words in English. We’re, don’t, didn’t and so forth are not adequate recorded as a hard copy formal English so short structures must be kept away from. The two commas in the subsequent last sentence have been wrongly utilized. Such commas are utilized when the word not long before the main comma should be characterized or clarified. On the other hand the jargon isn't right. The word support does just not bodes well in the last sentence. Despite the fact that indenting is discretio nary yet one should utilize it to demonstrate another passage (Jones). I might want to thank you for the request you put for the six DVD’s. Because of a great deal of work of late I won't have the option to hold a gathering with you yet don't hesitate to email me on the off chance that you have inquiries as a top priority. I will send you the DVD’s for Performance Appraisal that truly improves Performance, Hiring Employees and Your most Important Work by the 25th of March. You will likewise get a booklet with your buy that will contain directions on the most proficient method to approach utilizing the DVD. We need you to be 100% happy with the items you get from us. These booklets may likewise come helpful when your association intends to direct a workshop or house class. Inside the bundle you will likewise locate our new list that remembers data around fifty new DVDs for preparing. Like with all our preparation materials, these DVDs convey a multi day no inquiry posed to bring approach back. Much obliged to you for your request. We partic ularly value your enthusiasm for working with

Salome by Oscar Wilde Essay -- Salome Oscar Wilde Essays

Salome by Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde’s horrifying and disputable play asks and significant inquiry. Who is Salome? In the book of scriptures this lady isn't given a name. She is the little girl of Herodias who moves for the joy of her stepfather, Herod. Maybe the very reality that she stays anonymous is a piece of the puzzle and issue that is Salome. There was no compelling reason to name this kind of lady in man centric Christian religion. However, Salome’s story keeps on motivating and startle both her victors and her harshest pundits. Recorded as a hard copy Salome Wilde gives this figure both a personality and a craving. Be that as it may, exactly what does this character and resulting want speak to? All through the play Salome is exposed to the male look. Both the Young Syrian and Herod persistently take a gander at her. They are both cautioned not to do as such. The Page of Herodias tells the Young Syrian, â€Å"Why do you take a gander at her? You should not take a gander at her†¦Something awful may happen.† Herod is comparably cautioned by his better half, â€Å"You must not take a gander at her! You are continually taking a gander at her!† Aside from their own wants, for what reason would these two characters accept that seeing Salome is so risky? This could be an affirmation of the intensity of looking and the resulting power that Salome gains from being taken a gander at. Scopophilia isn't just the joy and intensity of looking, yet additionally the delight and intensity of being taken a gander at. Salome knows about this kind of intensity. She says, â€Å"Why does the Tetrarch take a gander at me at the same time with his mole’s eyes under his shaking eyelids? It is unusual that the spouse of my mom sees me like that. I know not what it implies. Of a fact I know it too well.† Salome understands that Herod is seeing her as a sexual o... ...y? Whatever the explanation Salome is demolished by men following she gets the fulfillment of kissing Jokanaan’s cut off head. Maybe the figure of Salome is a lot of like the moon in this play. It mirrors whatever the spectator plans to see. To the individuals who wish to see Salome as the first femme lethal, she is reflected as perilous and odd. To other people, who energize her insubordination, she is a symbol for masterful self-reflection. Portrayals of Salome are fluctuated and many. They are continually advancing with movements of aggregate understanding. Regardless, Salome has earned the name denied to her in the holy book. She is to somewhere in the range of a courageous woman, to others an obscene article, and still others a hazardous danger to male centric request. She has numerous characters and much more wants, yet she keeps on entrancing and repel, as her puzzle is unwound.

Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Russia - Essay Example The Prime Minister heads the administration, which the president chooses yet at the parliaments endorsement. The tricky utilization of democratization plan in the post-Cold War world has evoked a reaction against the entire thought of the normal change to popular government. Democratization is additionally being referred to here as the ground reality has provoked reexamining in light of the fact that a great part of the post-Soviet district seems caught between tyrant past and a dinky future. The specialists utilize the term of oversaw majority rule government for the Russian arrangement of government. The ascent of political tyranny or oversaw vote based system is an object of interest for the West. The geopolitical real factors, for example, Russian oil and gas saves ensure that these Western interests stay occupied with development of the Russian majority rules system. It is difficult to finish up whether Russia is as yet a vote based system or not. However, one thing is sure that it speaks to an interesting rendition of majority rules system which is significantly

Friday, August 21, 2020

Market Regulation in the EU Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Market Regulation in the EU - Essay Example 11 c. Explicit and sectoral or vertical mechanical arrangement in the EU †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 14 IV. Investigating the difficulties related with planning EU modern arrangement ................................................ 17 V. End and proposals †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 19 Endnotes ............................................................................................. 21 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 24 Introduction According to Foreman-Peck and Federico (1999, pp. 2-3), modern strategy is â€Å"an subtle idea which means to cover nearly everything that influences the presentation of an industry†.1 Considering the significance of European Union (EU) mechanical arrangement as far as advancing business development in the business division, EU mechanical approach was incorporated under the EC Treaty (Title XVI) of the Treaty on European Union (TEU).2 Given that mechanical approach can be utilized in rushing auxiliary changes in industry, this gadget is frequently utilized in impacting the structure of the business. Preceding the advancement of mechanical approach, the European Commission’s first report during the 1990s uncovered that the European Parliament was discussing how to figure an obviously characterized modern arrangement which could improve the worldwide seriousness of the EU members.3 To forestall instances of de-industrialization, the principle reason for making a mechanical strategy in the EU was to guarantee that there is a typical approach structure to be utilized in advancing reasonable market rivalry among the modern sector.4 as such, EU modern approach isn't restricted to forestalling instances of de-industrialization yet in addition covers instan ces of formality or debasement with respect to the administration authorities who are straightforwardly engaged with the portion of the accessible framework spending plan. The EU is intricate as in it is made out of 27 unique nations over the European mainland. In accordance with this, the Central Intelligence Agency (2011) has recognized the 27 individuals from the European Union as follows: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the UK. Free market rivalry among the EU part states and the free development of products and enterprises are among the couple of objectives related with the advancement of mechanical arrangement in the European Union.5 Considering the enormous number of EU part expresses, the test behind the detailing of modern strategy in the EU remembers the confinem ent of the accessible mechanical approach for forestalling occurrences of market twisting and market separation among the EU nations. Given the multifaceted nature of the political and financial structure of the EU, this paper will concentrate on deciding and basically surveying the fundamental difficulties related with the plan of EU mechanical strategy. Just as talking about the degree and impediments of industry strategy in Europe, the between state and between local markets inside the EU will be handled as a feature of the conversation of the noteworthiness of the system perspective. In like manner, this paper will likewise dissect and talk about issues with respect to the advancement of explicit and sectoral modern strategies and issues identified with flat industry. The extension and breaking point

Pepsi branding and marketing strategies defined in history Essay

In 1893 Caleb Bradham investigated a few soda mixtures from his medication store at North Carolina. In 1898 the brand name was first presented as Brad’s drink yet later renamed to Pepsi Cola (Ads and history 2007) after the pepsin and cola nuts utilized in the formula. Pepsi was first presented as a wellspring drink. It was around 750 microns wide 6 ounces straight sided bottle with paper marks stuck to them and a non-descript crown on top. Cost was accounted for to cost for just a nickel. Commercial before was done in signage and on the off chance that you can peruse the arrow’s content it says: â€Å"look for the trademark† while the base name peruses, â€Å"healthful and refreshing† (Davidson and FSU 2004). In 1903 Caleb sold around 7,968 gallons utilizing the line â€Å"exhilarating animating, guides digestion†. This additionally begun his diversifying movement to free financial specialists to around 24 states. In 1905 the logo was first changed at that point changed again in 1906. The motto was likewise changed to the â€Å"original unadulterated nourishment drink† which gives a lift to deals of 38,605 gallons. In 1908 the organization was the first to move from horse attracted trucks to engine vehicles method of conveyance. In 1909 Barney Oldfield supported Pepsi as â€Å"a menace drink†¦ reviving, strengthening, a fine bracer before the race.† In 1920 the topic was changed to â€Å"drink Pepsi cola, it will fulfill you†. In 1934 Pepsi cola supplanted the 6 ounce jug to 12 ounce bottle at a similar value which is as yet a nickel. The move was achieved by the high sorrow which requests for ease items however high worth. The 12 ounce bottle recently evaluated at ten pennies was cut to five pennies which made a hit since it was of same incentive as the serious colas of 6 ounce bottles. It was then known as the Pepsi heritage followed by soar deals giving the organization a genuine decent break. In 1939 they spearheaded the possibility of a funny cartoon type of publicizing in the papers presented and named as Pepsi and Pete advancing the item as â€Å"twice as much for a nickel† which purposely expanded purchaser mindfulness all the while. Pepsi cola was strikingly connected across the nation with two police officers that were designed after the Keystone Kops and turned out to be very mainstream. In 1940 their across the country promoting effort topic was changed to: â€Å"Pepsi cola hits the spot, 12 full ounces, that’s a ton twice as much for a nickel as well! Pepsi cola is the beverage for you.† Simultaneously, they propelled the primary jingle in the cola world known as â€Å"Nickel, nickel†. The jingle was recorded in fifty five distinct dialects and delivered more than one million records played across the nation on radio. It was very much adjusted by the customers and the individuals who have heard the jingle. Their jingles fittingly played to the observation and enthusiastic mental reactions of the buyers for even after fifty years some despite everything recollected. The logo was additionally changed to an easier bolder adjusted content letters that is extremely perceptible. Pepsi cola bottles adjusted the emblazoned 12 ounce bottle structured and had the word Pepsi blown and heated into the side of the container while the paper names were supplanted as blown marks too. Pepsi cola started to tap the African American specialty showcase and initiated promoting in a Negro paper lead by an every single dark deal group. They likewise supported an across the nation exposition challenge employing African Americans experts all the while. An ad explicitly focused on African Americans was demonstrated by a dark mother holding a six pressed Pepsi while the child was connecting with the containers. In 1941, the crown was changed to red, white, and blue. This was done to help America’s war exertion. They shrewdly set up a Pepsi flask in Times Square New York. It served to help families’ record messages for abroad furnished assistance work force. In 1943 the subject twice as much included â€Å"bigger drink, better taste†. In 1947 one of their advertisement battles profiled conspicuous African Americans utilizing the title â€Å"Leaders in their field†. Utilizing prejudice as a selling point, their business shot up significantly. In 1949 the topic â€Å"why take less when Pepsi’s best† was included. In 1950 the new logo fused the jug top look. Publicizing was finished by advancing Pepsi as an encounter instead of a deal. Motto was changed to â€Å"more ricochet to the ounce†. They depended and contributed more with promoting that significantly increased their deals that year. The jingle was then changed to â€Å"have a Pepsi, the light refreshment†. In 1953 Americans got cognizant with weight and wellbeing that they changed their motto to â€Å"the light refreshment†. The recipe was additionally changed with a decreased caloric substance. In 1954 the motto â€Å"refreshing without filling† was fused to the light refreshment topic. In 1958 Pepsi was referred to as the kitchen cola because of its deal branch long-term situating. This time Pepsi focused on the youthful in vogue purchasers. The motto was changed to â€Å"be friendly, have a Pepsi†. The jug was then changed to the whirl structured container supplanting the old straight sided one. Alongside it was the presentation of the traditional dancing. In 1960 the trademark was changed to â€Å"now it’s Pepsi for the individuals who think young†. It characterizes youth as a mental perspective it keeps up its allure for the post war youthful age and to all market fragments. A few ads depicted individuals going angling. In 1962 the logo was changed again with serrated container tops alongside its Pepsi age advertisements. In 1963 12 ounce bottles gave way to16 ounce bottles. Pepsi at that point presented the 12 ounce Pepsi jars to the military for transport comfort. Their promoting history’s trademark was presented as â€Å"come alive, you’re in the Pepsi generation† alongside their jingle â€Å"come alive† too. Plugs normally depicted games and diversion idea like motorbikes, event congregation and sand cruising. In 1970 Pepsi presented the initial two liter containers. They were likewise the first to react to consumer’s requirement for light weight recyclable plastic containers. In 1973 Pepsi changed its logo once more. The motto was additionally changed to â€Å"join the Pepsi individuals, feeling free† which is their own one of a kind translation of one individuals however with numerous characters. In 1975 Pepsi presented the Pepsi challenge promoting effort where the consequences of the visually impaired tasting test between Pepsi cola and its adversary Coca cola was made open through TV plugs. Members picked Pepsi as the cola that taste better. Accordingly Coca cola changed their recipe to taste increasingly like Pepsi. The motto jingle was then â€Å"you’ve got a great deal to live, Pepsi got a ton to give†. On that year  the two liter plastishield bottle was presented. The subject is to elevate to live and to give. In 1978 the 12 pressed can were acquainted with the market. In 1991 Pepsi presented the main polyethylene terephthalate (PET) alongside the changed of its new logo. In 1993 the trademark was changed to â€Å"be youthful, have fun† demonstrated by Shaquille O’Neal. In 2001 Britney Spears run her first Pepsi business doing her own rendition of â€Å"The delight of Pepsi†. In 2003 Pepsi cola has another subject: â€Å"Pepsi it’s the cola.† It depicts notoriety in the cola business that goes from nourishment to fun. Assessment For quite a long time Pepsi has characterized itself as the trademark wizard that can intently connect with the occasions and changing way of life of the shoppers. It has first presented itself as a wellbeing drink which was the very motivation behind why it has collected a major segment of the cola showcase pie. As it kept on advancing in the market, it has examined its market well, and has all around created topics and trademarks or exercises that will make purchaser mindfulness. Showcasing methodology has consistently been the test of any outer condition and how you select your objective market, know the necessities of your market and infiltrate by spending more on ads to make shopper mindfulness. What's more, how Pepsi has entered shoppers like the Blacks was by spending on commercials elevating bigotry to balance and consequently appreciated soar deals. Strategies will consistently change alongside the advancement of logos, bottle plans, storyboard and jingles. Jingles and music have a solid mental impact on the psyches of the customers. It will consistently be recollected regardless of whether fifty years after the fact. Jingles tune and verses remains more in the brains of the customers longer than plain advertisements signage, ads, and mottos. As we have noted Pepsi has been touchy with what is befalling its reality strategically and with the necessities of its purchasers as depicted by their ceaseless changed of mottos and jingles. Pepsi has consistently been depicted to be a piece of the life of their objective markets. It was never isolated in advertisements as plain highlights of the item but instead as something that buyers can extraordinarily relate to themselves. Advertising was a quiet fighting among driving contenders. What Pepsi did was to focus on explicit undiscovered specialty advertises and developed its subject to have the option to keep up buyer database. Pepsi had consistently been quick to join on item, value, market, and advancement at times similarly as socioeconomics and determination which consistently came about to a charmed market. Pepsi understood that it should concentrate and play on item advancement and publicizing first to advance the brand and not the opposite. Their solid picture was the aftereffect of coordinated advertising blend factors. The trademarks were constantly guided by the idea of individuals and wellbeing as it was introduced as a wellbeing drink in the principal phases of its life. At the point when Pepsi built up its battle Pepsi age depicting the produc

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Algorithm Problem Solving Approach in Psychology

The Algorithm Problem Solving Approach in Psychology Student Resources Print The Algorithm Problem Solving Approach in Psychology By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on February 08, 2020 biffspandex / E / Getty Images More in Student Resources APA Style and Writing Study Guides and Tips Careers When solving a problem, choosing the right approach is often the key to arriving at the best solution. In psychology, one of these problem-solving approaches is known as an algorithm. An algorithm is a defined set of step-by-step procedures that provides the correct answer to a particular problem. By following the instructions correctly, you are guaranteed to arrive at the right answer. While often thought of purely as a mathematical term, the same type of process can be followed to ensure finding the correct answer when solving a problem or making a decision. An algorithm is often expressed in the form of a graph, where a square represents each step. Arrows then branch off from each step to point to possible directions that you may take to solve the problem. In some cases, you must follow a particular set of steps to solve the problem. In other instances, you might be able to follow different paths that will all lead to the same solution. Why Should You Use an Algorithm? The upside of using an algorithm to solve a problem or make a decision is that yields the best possible answer every time. This is useful in situations when accuracy is critical or where similar problems need to be frequently solved. In many cases, computer programs can be designed to speed up this process. Data then needs to be placed in the system so that the algorithm can be executed to come up with the correct solution. Such step-by-step approaches can be useful in situations where each decision  must be made following the same process and where accuracy is critical. Because the process follows a prescribed procedure, you can be sure that you will reach the correct answer each time. The downside of using an algorithm to solve the problem is that this process tends to be very time-consuming. So if you face a situation where a decision needs to be made very quickly, you might be better off using a different problem-solving strategy. For example, a physician making a decision about how to treat a patient could use an algorithm approach, yet this would be very time-consuming and treatment needs to be implemented quickly. In this instance, the doctor would instead rely on their expertise and past experiences to very quickly choose what they feel is the right treatment approach. Algorithms vs. Heuristics In psychology, algorithms are frequently contrasted with heuristics. A heuristic is a mental shortcut that allows people to quickly make judgments and solve problems. These mental shortcuts are typically informed by our past experiences and allow us to act quickly. However, heuristics are really more of a rule-of-thumb; they dont always guarantee a correct solution. So how do you determine when to use a heuristic and when to use an algorithm? When problem-solving, deciding which method to use depends on the need for either accuracy or speed. If complete accuracy is required, it is best to use an algorithm. By using an algorithm, accuracy is increased and potential mistakes are minimized. On the other hand, if time is an issue, then it may be best to use a heuristic. Mistakes may occur, but this approach allows for speedy decisions when time is of the essence. Heuristics are more commonly used in everyday situations, such as figuring out the best route to get from point A to point B. While you could use an algorithm to map out every possible route and determine which one would be the fastest, that would be a very time-consuming process. Instead, your best option would be to use a route that you know has worked well in the past. If you are working in a situation where you absolutely need the correct or best possible answer, your best bet is to use an algorithm. When you are solving problems for your math homework, you dont want to risk your grade on a guess. By following an algorithm, you can ensure that you will arrive at the correct answer to each problem.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Muslim Majority Country Research Muslims in Kuwait - 275 Words

Muslim Majority Country Research: Muslims in Kuwait (Essay Sample) Content: NameInstructorCourseDateMuslims in KuwaitThe majority of the population in Kuwait are Muslims (Isiorho Charles 39). The presence of Islam in developing countries such as Kuwait has led to the development of Islamic Banks that have played an essential role in the increment of gross domestic product of the same countries. The participatory schemes of Islam integrate the assets owned by borrowers and lenders. The assets enable Islamic Banks to give credits on a long-term basis to allow the creation of projects with profiles of higher risk-return, and therefore, they help in supporting the economy growth (Casey et al. 25).The invention of the new banking industry that is compliant with the Shariah leads to higher development in the banking sector, as shown by the amount of bank deposits or private credits scaled to GDP. Some of the developing economies such as Kuwait have already begun to introduce the new finance model in their economic system. It is important to unders tand this new finance model due to its benefits. The benefits include reduced doubt and uncertainty, the absence of speculative trading, profiteering, lack of excessive leverage, attachment to the actual activity, and ensuring that all the parties have equal bargaining power (Brian 15).Therefore, Islamic Banks play a significant role in achieving banking operations in a more secure and more reliable economic framework. Islamic banking is a banking system that accrues no interest, and it is based on real assets and all the risks are shared between the borrower and the lender under the lease, sale, joint ownership, and partnership mechanisms. It is different from the conventional banking where the primary product is dealing with interest. Therefore, the presence of Islamic culture in Kuwait has a great ...

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Thoughts on Computers Essay Topics in Step by Step Order

Thoughts on Computers Essay Topics in Step by Step Order It's not a secret that the web isn't as nice and useful as you may think. Thus, it's the very best choice to purchase from the stores immediately. Computers are an essential part of normal life. Computers and their technology give us access to a large volume of information which makes it simpler to be a thriving student. To choose which subject you're likely to discuss, it's essential to see the complete collection of good persuasive speech topics from the special area of study. Take notes concerning all possible topics you may consider. Students often stress about trying to find utile persuasive essay tips and searching for ideas due to the fact that they feel it's an uphill job, but the secret is to understand the essence and generate a suitable outline first by planning for it correctly. Many students think that it is a waste of time. The cost of an essay depends upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. If you order from us, you can find a draft of your paper to be sure your writer is heading in the correct direction. The writers can manage any subject of your choice. Our writers only do what you desire. You just have to order a great essay from experts with the greatest academic degrees in a number of fields. Then devote another section to spell out how each one among them is unique. Give some intriguing facts. Do not neglect to develop an efficient outline to be successful! A Startling Fact about Computers Essay Topics Uncovered There's no worry to get hold of our services to assist you with an essay on computers. Our computers and internet topic suggestions can be utilised to create unique suggestions for your own research papers. Totally free Computers essay samples are offered on FreeEssayHelp with no payment or registration. There are millions of essay about computers topics you ma y write on, but the problem arises when you've got to opt for any one of them which isn't just the greatest but informative too. Always remember a great persuasive essay ought to be persuasive. It's possible to restate your thesis statement and point out a number of the arguments used over the whole essay that backs it up. On the opposing side, acquiring a list of good persuasive essay topics is inadequate. So locating the most effective persuasive essay topics is important. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Our qualified academic experts will help you to find an ideal persuasive essay topic according to all of your requirements and compose a custom-tailored model answer. Therefore, many students and employees decide to obtain cheap essay rather than writing it themselves. The absolute most comfortable kind of writing which you may find among our computer essay samples is paper about advantages and pitfalls. You may also order a fully written compare and contrast essay and alleviate the quantity of work you must do. Another good idea is to receive some absolutely free essay examples of different sorts and on various subjects to find a general idea of the way in which a thriving debatable paper looks. You can begin with the form of topic you pick for your compare and contrast essay. The 30-Second Trick for Computers Essay Topics Computer is a science that needs in-depth comprehension and knowledge. Computers make education easier and quicker. Notebook computers have more recent and updated resources and data when compared with textbooks which can definitely help students understand what they're learning. You should settle on a persuasive essay topic that permits you to present the finest possible case. A student ought to keep in contact with the hottest trends and know which persuasive essay topics are related to sound convincing in regards to defending personal opinions. The essay isn't the simplest task to master. Writing an essay is a tough job, especially if it's the case that you don't understand what things to begin with.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Personal Statement The Heart Of London - 1131 Words

Loneliness. Privacy. Anonymity. It’s funny, that words never usually associated with living in a capital city, apply so perfectly to me, however, it is the sad reality faced by a typical 28 year old Brit in the ‘heart’ of London. Conference calls, big red buses and the swarm of tall, grey-suited businessmen with briefcases fighting their way through the typical morning rush to the safety of their 100th floor offices, are all a world apart from the isolated one I exist in. To think that not one in a city populated by 8.5 million would ever stop to spare even a second of their time to converse with me, helps to remind me of the burden I must be to the world. I’m guessing these feelings must have all begun after my brother Graham died – at†¦show more content†¦However, what was different about Graham was that he was the polar opposite of all the dull, arrogant and narrow-minded people I am forced to associate myself with every day. The most important human quality Graham admired was honesty – not just honesty to everyone around you, but honesty to yourself. And this is what made him a role model to so many – obviously in addition to the delicate way he used words to protect what he believed in. He was, still is, my brother. Even in the quiet commotion of life in the never-changing village where we grew up, Graham never failed to make clear to everyone his love for adventure. Always climbing trees and jumping over rivers, it seemed like nothing made him happier than the incomparable feeling of adrenaline pumping through his body. He always appeared to be basing his life on some sort of adventure movie. Guaranteed, he could make even our small uneventful village full of adventure. There was a hole in the hearts of everyone in that village when he died. The only source of excitement and thrill had been taken away. That is why I had to leave. He was everywhere. He still is everywhere. Why did I think that moving away would change that? Back then I couldn’t escape him and I still can’t. He is inescapable. I was drowning in my own despair by thoughts, having lost someone who by nature

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Depression Is A Silent Killer - 955 Words

It s often said that we are shaped by the experiences that come our way throughout life. Furthermore, not just those experiences but our response to each of them. This rings true in my own life and I can think of a certain struggle in particular that has really shaped who I have become. It really comes down to one word with a whole lot more connected to it. Depression. My own personal case was major, which is called clinical depression. This two year struggle almost ended my life. I don t believe I ve ever shared this in this manner, however there s always a first time for everything. This is my story of how my fight and victory against depression has shaped the person I am today. Now, for those who may not know much about depression, this is paragraph may be very informational. Depression truly is a silent killer. Clinical, or major, depression is categorized as a mental disorder. It can be identified by many different symptoms. Most obvious would be the actual depressed state in general. It lasts most of the day if not all of it. It may also cause insomnia and fatigue. People who struggle with this lose interest in things. They may also have feelings of worthlessness and guilt. The most challenging of all the symptoms in my own battle, were the recurring suicidal thoughts. All of these things tied in together make up what we know as clinical depression. (WebMD. â€Å"Major Depression (Clinical Depression)† An Overview of Clinical Depression. WebMD n.d. Web. 28 OctoberShow MoreRelatedDepression Is A Silent And Deadly Killer2767 Words   |  12 Pagesselves as a result of depression. Depression is a villain that steals the happiness and lives of a teem ing number of people around the world. It constantly puts others down and fuels itself to become bigger and stronger. It is a mental illness that needs to addressed and worked on to better the world. Depression is simply a frown that needs to be turned upside down. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

A form of communication - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 20 Words: 5914 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Advertising as a form of communication intended to persuade its viewers, readers or listeners to take some action. It usually includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume that particular brand. Modern advertising developed with the rise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A form of communication" essay for you Create order It has different connotation related to the different people related to the field of advertising. To the CEO of a corporation, advertising is an essential marketing tool that helps create brand awareness, loyalty and stimulates demand. To an art director in an advertising agency it is a creative expression of an advertising concept. Advertising related issues most often are left to the discretion on the viewer. Some might perceive these issues as ethical while others may loathe the advertisements on liquor and alcohol. Although the Indian government has taken a moral stand of banning the advertisements of these substances, but the manufacturers of these products have resorted to something called as surrogate advertising. Surrogate Advertising is done when the original product is not allowed to advertise itself on mass media. In India, alcohol brands are not allowed to give advertisements on television, so alcohol marketing firms use surrogate products like mineral water, soda, juice to hit consumers with the brand name. The brand name of the alcohol product is the same as the surrogate product. Kingfisher advertising packaged water, liquor manufacturers like Bacardi advertising compiled music CDs and Jagjit Industries advertising Aristocrat Premium apple juice are some of the prime examples of surrogate advertising in India. When people view these advertisements they associate themselves with these products. The extent to which Kingfisher is successful in this strategy is the topic which is being studied in this paper. Objectives/Research Questions: Our main objective is to evaluate the impact of surrogate advertising by Kingfisher by measuring its imact on the relationships between Brand Awareness, Brand Attitude and Brand Image amongst consumers. Literature Review Hypothesis: The review of literature shows that a number of studies have been conducted, especially in developed countries, on the ethical dimensions of surrogate advertising, (Zanot and Pincus, 1983; Hunt and Vitel, 1986). Few studies have been carried out to measure the effectiveness of surrogate advertising by products such as liquor and tobacco. But these studies were conducted in countries where the advertising of such products is not banned. Surrogate advertising is a fairly recent phenomenon emerging in countries where direct advertising of such products is banned completely. We begin by examining the impact of surrogate advertising of alcohol brands (Parulekar, 2005) on their brand equity (as defined by Keller 1993). The Government of India banned advertising of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes vide Rule 7(2) of the Cable Television Networks Rules 1999. In response, marketers of alcohol brands resorted to advertising of non-alcoholic beverages, sports gear, bottled water and a host of other alcohol-unrelated products as extensions of their alcohol brands. This form of advertising is now referred to as surrogate advertising. Brand Awareness: Brand awareness has been an important and often used construct for researchers assessing advertising and sponsorship effectiveness (e.g., Johar, Pham, Wakefield, 2006; Keller, 1993, 2003, 2008; Lardinoit Derbaix, 2001; Macdonald Sharp, 2003; Sandler Shani, 1993). Keller (1993, 2008) pointed out that brand awareness, or consumers ability to recall and recognize a brand from memory, is an important factor in the consumer decision-making process. For example, it is important that consumers are able to retrieve the name of the brand when they think of a particular product category. Brand Awareness consists of brand recall and brand recognition and brand recall can be further divided into aided recall and unaided recall (Zinkhan, Locander Leigh 1986). Brand Recall is the extent to which a brand name is recalled as a member of a brand, product or service class, as distinct from brand recognition (Leigh Menon, 1986). Brand Recognition reflects the ability of a consumer to see a particular brand as an established brand and not as a brand which they are seeing for the first time. Brand awareness measures the accessibility of the brand in memory. Brand awareness can be measured through brand recall or brand recognition. Brand recall reflects the ability of consumers to retrieve the brand from memory when given the product category, the needs fulfilled by the category, or some other type of probe as a cue. Brand recognition reflects the ability of consumers to confirm prior exposure to the brand (Miladian, Hossein, and K. Nagendra Badu., 2009). In addition, brand aw areness is important as it alone can affect consumers decisions about brands in a consideration set (Keller, 1993). This is especially true for low-involvement products (e.g., soap) as consumers are likely to minimize their decision-making efforts (Keller, 1993, 2008). Consumers attempt to save time and cognitive effort, by selecting a brand they know (Macdonald Sharp, 2003) or with which they are familiar (Aaker, 1991). Brand Image: Brand image is variously defined as the set of beliefs held about a particular brand (Kotler, 1988, p. 197) or a set of associations, usually organized in some meaningful way (Aaker, 1992, pp. 109-10).The second school, variously termed the brand image school, (Joyce, 1967; Ogilvy, 1963), humanistic advertising (Lannon and Cooper, 1983) and right-hand side of brain approach (McDonald, 1992) has at its core a more symbolic, intuitive and emotional view of products and advertising in the scheme of consumer decision making. Brand Image is the overall perception of a product which the consumers have. It is basically the kind of association which they develop between the product attributes (existing as well the non-existing but desired) and the brand name. Brand Image is built through a period of time and advertisement plays a large role in this. Brand Awareness and Brand Image: Brand awareness is also a necessary step for creating an association with the image of a brand. Without awareness of a brand, no other form of communication effects (e.g., brand attitude, brand images, and brand experience) can occur (Aaker, 1991; Keller, 1993, 2003, 2008; Macdonald Sharp, 2003). Keller (1993, 2003, 2008) explained that in addition to brand awareness, these effects comprise brand knowledge and they serve as the source of brand equity . Brand awareness and brand preference will affect the core brand image (Shwu-Ing Wu Chen-Lien Lo. 2009) and is positively related to core-brand attitude (Kardes and Kalyanaram,1992; Alpert and Kamins, 1995). Various theories on advertising and strategy have stated the positive brand awareness will lead to heightened brand image. This is a part of the well established Communication Strategy (Percy, Larry, Rossiter, John R., Elliott, Richard, Strategic Advertising Management, 2001). Four communication effects have been discussed in the work of Rossiter and Percy, and it will be from these effects that the following communication objectives were drawn: category need,brandawareness,brandimage builfing, andbrand purchase intention. Category need refers to the target audiences feeling that they would like a particular product or service in order to satisfy a specific need. It is important to remember here that category need is a perception, and therefore it can be established by the advertiser. By successfully establishing a belief in the target audiences mind that links the product category and a felt need, the advertiser can stimulate primary demand for the product category. Category need is the communication effect that causes primary demand. Brand awareness is the target audiences ability to identify a brand within a category in sufficient detail to purchase or use it. We have already seen that at the product category level consumers will not buy unless there is a perceived category need. At the brand level, consumers cannot buy unless they are first made aware of the brand. As a result, brand awareness must always be considered first, before any other communication effect. Hence we propose the following hypothesis: H1: Brand Awareness and Brand Image are positively related. Surrogate Advertising and Brand Awareness, Brand Image: The cue actually used by the consumer in place of another to evaluate alternatives may be called a surrogate indicator (Cohen, 1972). Brand awareness has been one of the most important ways of assessing the success of any marketing campaign. The available research literature on Brand awareness explores a variety of issues like factors affecting Brand Awareness of Virtual Advertising (Tsuji, Bennet Leigh, 2009), study on Brand Awareness towards common Hair Shampoo brands (Kathuria Jit, 2009). Therefore, the impact of marketing and advertising campaigns on Brand Awareness has already been studied by various researchers. Although cognitive awareness of Brands has been measured effectively to determine the strength of marketing and advertising campaigns, the effect of surrogate advertising on Brand Awareness has not been explored in developing countries. A research paper measuring this becomes all the more significant because a lot of industries like liquor and tobacco have resorted to advertising their products via this method in India. A few examples of such Brands could be Kingfisher, Bacardi etc. A research paper which attempts to explore this territory is Consumer Psychographics and Surrogate Advertising: An application of multiple discriminant analysis (Sharma Chander, 2007), but this paper too falls short on measuring the impact of surrogate advertising on Brand Awareness levels. Keeping the deficiencies in the existing literature in mind we attempt to study the impact of surrogate advertising on Brand Awareness. We went through literature to examine the effect of advertising on brand image. The function of advertising is to create the symbolism and imagery around the product which will result in a relationship between the brand and the consumer. The consumer is seen as active, knowledgeable, sophisticated and involved in the process of giving meaning to brands. Brand choice is based on emotional and intuitive feelings about brands, their images and meanings for consumers and how these brands satisfy consumer needs and seem to fit into the consumers relationship with his/her world. Based on the literature, we have arrived at 2 main functions of advertising on brand image. The first function is largely informational in character in that performance specifications of the brand are presented. The second function is to imbue the brand with human-like rather than mechanistic performance-oriented values. Brand image is the perception which the consumer holds of the product and its attributes (Cohen, 1972). Essentially perception is built through environmental cues and it is here that surrogate indicators through advertisements can play a very important role. The consumer often lacks complete information about the products and to fill this gap surrogate indicators play a crucial role. For eg: price can be seen as factor determining quality. The customer is dependent on these even more when he/she has not used the product before and in such cases perception of the product plays an even more important role. Similarly there are various indicators which effect the perception which the consumer builds. Some of these are colour (Kingfisher Beer uses red colour for its bottles and the same can be found on the drinking water bottles as well), symbols and endorsements which are shown in the advertisements. When the consumer cannot make use of proper evaluative criteria to compare and select br ands, it is these cues which then guide him to make his perception. We were able to site numerous research papers on the ethical aspect of surrogate advertising for alcohol and tobacco in India but hardly any on the relation between surrogate advertising and the corresponding brand awareness and brand image. This is used as a strategy to advertise products like liquor or tobaccoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ the advertisement of which otherwise, is banned in our country (Sharma Chander, 2007). It relates to advertising by duplicating the brand image of one product extensively to promote another product of the same brand. When consumers look at these advertisements, they associate these with banned products. Hence, such products are indirectly advertised, and therefore, influence their behaviour. There is no doubt that the hidden call for alcohol consumption behind the surrogate advertisements is not escaping the eyes of viewers of the worlds fourth highest liquor consuming country. Their paper discusses the psychographics of the target audience since they are th e final evaluators of advertising. The implications thus, are left for the advertisers to modify and redesign their advertising strategies in accordance to the consumer psychographics, so that they can find a way out which is more ethical and positive for the society or their target market rather than resorting to surrogate advertising. A significant negative impact on the brand awareness level and brand association set was found for 4 out of the 6 alcohol brands evaluated (Parulekar, 2005). The common factor for these 4 brands was that they were non-beverage extensions. The author concludes that the extent of dilution of brand equity is a function of prior brand exposure, the surrogate category chosen and articulation of advertising for the surrogate product. This suggests that surrogate advertising has two effects on the mind of the consumer. First, it dilutes the recall of the actual product and focuses the consumers attention on the surrogate product (for eg. Consumers attention might get diverted to Kingfisher Mineral Water which is the surrogate product from Kingfisher Beer, which is the actual product the UB Group is trying to advertise). Secondly, as stated above, this may lead to ethical implications where certain consumers think it is unethical for companies to adopt this strategy and lead to weakening the relationship between brand awareness and brand image. This leads to our second hypothesis: H2: Post exposure to Surrogate Advertising, the relationship between Brand Awareness and Brand Image would get weakened. Model: The objective of the research is to study the effect of Surrogate Advertising done by Kingfisher on the relationships between Brand Attitude, Brand Image and Brand Awareness of Kingfisher. The above model has been proposed for the same. The independent variable (IV) is Brand Awareness, which will be used to gauge its effect on the dependent variables (DV) Brand Image and Brand Attitude.The moderating variable is surrogate advertising. Brand Attitude: Brand attitudes are defined as consumers overall evaluations of a brand (Wilkie, 1986). Brand attitudes are important because they often form the basis for consumer behaviour (e.g., brand choice). A widely accepted approach to capture brand attitude is based on a multi-attribute formulation in which brand attitudes are a function of the associated attributes and benefits that are salient for the brand. Fishbein and Ajzen (1975; Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980) proposed what has been probably the most influential multi-attribute model to marketing (Bettman, 1986). This expectancy-value model views attitudes as a multiplicative function of (1) the salient beliefs a consumer has about the product or service (i.e., the extent to which consumers think the brand has certain attributes or benefits) and (2) the evaluative judgment of those beliefs (i.e., how good or bad it is that the brand has those attributes or benefits). Attributes are those descriptive features that characterize a product or service-what a consumer thinks the product or service is or has and what is involved with its purchase or consumption. Product-related attributes are defined as the ingredients necessary for performing the product or service function sought by consumers. Hence, they relate to a products physical composition or a services requirements. Product-related attributes vary by product or service category. Non-product-related attributes are defined as external aspects of the product or service that relate to its purchase or consumption. The four main types of non-product-related attributes are: Price information. Packaging or product appearance information. User imagery (i.e., what type of person uses the product or service). Usage imagery (i.e., where and in what types of situations the product or service is used). Benefits are the personal value consumers attach to the product or service attributes-that is, what consumers think the product or service can do for them. Benefits can be further distinguished into three categories according to the underlying motivations to which they relate (Park, Jaworski, and Maclnnis 1986): functional benefits. experiential benefits. symbolic benefits. Brand Image and Brand Attitude: Whatever be the brandattitudestrategy, it must be associated with and preceded by first building the right brand image. As a type of brand association, brand image should have a direct effect on brand attitude (Faircloth, Capella, Alford, 2001), which, it has been noted, includes the consumers perceptions of all associations (e.g., Aaker 1991; Keller 1993). There is a positive direct influence of brand attitude on brand image. Thus, brand attitude has a direct effect on brand image which has been established by the above research paper. This research considered that brand attitude is a type of brand association, and therefore, should also indirectly influence brand equity through the brand image construct. Wilkie (1986) and Keller (1993) indicated that a consumers attitude towards a core-brand referred to the consumers overall evaluation of that core-brand, and forms the basis for consumer behavior towards that brand. There are numerous studies indicating that the accumulation of brand image and use experience is key determinant of attitude towards core-brand attitude (Carpenter and Nakamoto, 1989; Kardes and Kalynaram, 1992; Alpert and Kamins, 1995; Martinez and Chernatony, 2004; Ghen and Liu, 2004). This indicates that core-brand attitude can be influenced by core-brand image and use experience of core-brand that are as follows. Hence, we propose our third hypothesis: H3: Brand Image and Brand Attitude are directly, positively related. Advertising and Brand Image, Brand Attitude: Brand Extension is a strategy used by most companies to leverage an existing brand name for other products (Serrao Botelho, 2008). Kingfishers packaged drinking water is an example of brand extension. The effect of brand extension on brand image of the original product has been studied by in the above mentioned paper. Brand Image is essentially the set of perceptions which a potential consumer hold of the product attributes. Stronger is this set of perceptions, stronger is the brand image. Now brand extension can have both effects on the brand image of the initial product. It might go on to dilute it in case the extended brand is not able to meet the expectations or it can also reinforce it. In our case where advertisements of liquor are banned, surrogate advertisements can be the sole medium of building more information about the product and hence can strengthen the brand image. This leads to our last hypothesis: H4: Post exposure to Surrogate advertising, the relationship between Brand Image and Brand Attitude will be strengthened. Gap in Literature: The Literature Review has helped us in understanding the various factors that are to be considered in analyzing the effectiveness of surrogate advertising, i.e. the literature aided us in defining the variables of our study. While the various research papers provided above have studied extensively about the impact of surrogate advertising in countries where these advertisements are not banned i.e. mostly developed countries, little work has been done to in this field in developing countries like India where liquor and tobacco are major industries and surrogate advertising is banned. Thus this research will help in understanding the effectiveness of surrogate advertising on the Indian consumers. Although Jamshedpur is being taken as a representative sample for this study which has its distinct demographics and lifestyle, our objective is to get statistically significant results which could be extrapolated to states in India and developing countries across the world with similar charac teristics. Operationalizing and Measuring variables for study: Brand Awareness: Researchers have assessed brand awareness through the use of recall and recognition scales, which test the ability of consumers to remember advertising from memory. In the paper Dimensional Relationships Aided recall and recognition (Zinkhan, Locander Leigh 1986) it was determined that cued recall is less demanding for the consumer because they are provided cues to access the appropriate memory trace. Recognition is much easier than the previous two methods in that target items are presented along with one or more distractor items to the respondents (Leigh Menon, 1986).Therefore, recognition is solely dependent upon ones ability to discriminate the correct items from the distracters. According to this literature, in an advertising recognition test, there are two possible responses (i.e., yesor no) to two types of advertising stimulus (i.e., real or distractor), which create four possible outcomes. First, a hit is recorded when an individual responds,yes to real advertising. If, however, one fails to recognize the real ad, the response is called a miss. Another incorrect judgment by a respondent is false alarm in which the subject answers yes to a bogus advertising stimulus. Finally, a correct rejection occurs when the subject says no to a distractor. Further analyses of recognition tests mainly use the hit rate (H) and the falsealarm rate (FA) for adjustments and corrections (Leigh Menon, 1986). A hit rate is calculated by the ratio of targets correctly chosen (Tc) to the total number of target stimuli available (T), whereas the false-alarm rate is the ratio of incorrectly chosen items (Dc) to the total number of distractor items included in the test (D) (Leigh Menon, 1986). For instance, a hit rate of 1.0 denotes that the respondent correctly selected all target stimuli in the test set. However, a hit rate of 1.0 would not be a brilliant score unless his or her false-alarm rate is also low. Scores of both 1.0 on both hit rates and false-alarm rates imply that the subject answered yes to all items. When one has a same score on both hit rate and false-alarm rate (i.e., H = 0.3, FA = 0.3), it implies that the responses occurred by chance. Therefore, a researcher seeks high hit rates and low false-alarm rates from respondents. Recognition tests are criticized for their failure to account for respondents errors. Shapiro (Shapiro, 1994) argued that recognition studies that use only the correct number of responses would be unable to completely understand the human recognition process. He noted that research that merely counts the number of correct responses may incorrectly conclude that recognition memory is substantial, when, in reality, it was changes in judgment about memory. He put forward the argument that a simple measure of hit rate (H) minus false-alarm rate (FA) would suffice. In our study, this formula will be referred to as corrected hit rate or HC. HC = Hà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ FA According to Keller (Keller, 1993) Brand Awareness refers to customers ability to recall and recognize the brand under different conditions and link to the brand name, logo, jingles and so on to certain associations in memory. It helps the customers to understand to which product or service category the particular brand belongs to and what products and services are sold under the brand name. It also ensures that customers know which of their needs are satisfied by the brand through its products. For the purpose of our research we have that Brand Recall and Brand Recognition lead to Brand Awareness. Brand Recall: The extent to which a brand is recalled as a member of a product class and is distinct from brand recognition. Brand recall is to an extent measured by the degree of unaided recall. For eg, a person can be asked to recall the names of cigarettes or beer brands he may know. Researchers have found that brand recall is the sum of unaided and aided recall.The extent to which a brand is remembered when pointed is called aided recall. An example of such a question is What is Kingfisher famous for brand. For brand exposure companies look for high degree of unaided recall with respect to their competitors. The top of the mind recalled brand is the first to be evaluated in consumers mind for purchase. For the purposes of our research Brand Recall is being measured through the Likert Scale. Measures: Please name all the brands of beer you can think off. Please name all the brands of beer you can think of that you would bring to a youth party. We realize that it is not only important to measure the depth of recall (the percentage of people who know about the brand) but also the width of recall (the cues that lead to brand recall), which in our case is the kind of surrogate advertising which helps the consumers recall the brand. Typical cues would be: Subcategories. Consumption occasions / goal ( beer you would like to take for a beach-party ). Places (available in super-markets, bars etc.). People ( drink alone, in a group ). Brand Recognition: Brand Recognition reflects the ability of a consumer to see a particular brand as an established brand and not as a brand which they are seeing for the first time. In a recognition task consumers see stimulus ( e.g. mineral water bottle of Kingfisher ) and must say whether they have seen it before. Here it is important to make the task as realistic as possible by allowing only a short amount of time to answer the recognition question and by using realistic stimuli and context. The experimental group and control group are exposed to different stimuli (e.g. competitors brand). In the next step people see the old stimuli again with new ones and are asked to decide if the stimulus is old or new. To correct for peoples tendency to guess ( to say that they recognize when in fact they are uncertain ) one can compute a score called d-Prime score (HR-FA), Where, HR : Percentage of respondent who correctly identify the target stimulus: FA : Percentage of respondents who incorrect identify a new stimulus which has not been shown before. The following questions could be asked: Here is a list of (brand/ads/logos), do you remember seeing these today, yesterday, last month etc. Complete the following: K_NG_ISH_R, B_C_RD_ etc. Brand Image: Brand Image is the overall perception of a product which the consumers have. It is basically the kind of association which they develop between the product attributes (existing as well the non-existing but desired) and the brand name. Brand Image is built through a period of time and advertisement plays a large role in this. Whenever an advertisement is made, a company makes certain claims about the attributes of the product. This forms part of the expectations which potential customers generate and a positive relation between these expectations and the actual product helps build a strong brand image. Measuring Brand Image: Brand Image can be measured on 2 aspects, General Brand Image(GBI) which is associated with the brand in consideration and its symbolic aspects and Product Brand Image(PBI) which specifically relate to the physical attributes ,functional, emotional and self-expression benefits of the product (Martinez; Chernatony, 2004). Since we are considering brand image through surrogate advertisements it makes more sense to consider the GBI since physical attributes cannot be gauged through this form of advertisements. We propose to use Likert 7 points scale varying from à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ completely agree à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ to completely disagree for measuring the GBI on the following items (Martinez; Chernatony, 2004): This brand provides a good value for money. There is a reason to buy the brand instead of others. The brand has personality. The brand is interesting. I have a clear impression of the type of people who consume the brand. This brand is different from competing brands. Brand Attitude: Brand attitude can be viewed as the understanding a person has in terms of how they evaluate a particular brand and its ability to satisfy what the consumer is looking for in the product. There are four important characteristics about brand attitude that we need to understand. First of all, brand attitude depends upon what the potential buyer wants now from the product, which is the motivation that drives someones behaviour. Second, brand attitude is made up of what someone knows about a brand (cognitions or beliefs) and what they feel about the brand (affect or feelings). Thirdly, someones knowledge is usually made up of a number of different beliefs about a brand. And finally, brand attitude is a relative concept. Scale: Again a 7 point likert scale was used from 1 to 7 where 1=very and 7=not at all (Kathleen J. Kelly, Michael D. Slater, and David Karan,2002). Extent to which the brand is appealing. Extent to which the brand is cool. Extent to which the brand is In -Style. Extent to which the brand is likeable. Method: Participants (n = 110) were people aged between 24 to 40 years across India. People were administered a questionnaire to assess brand awareness. Since brand awareness consists of brand recall and brand recognition, both these aspects were measured using this questionnaire. Brand recall consists of unaided and aided brand recall. Unaided brand recall was measured by showing the respondents a set of 30 advertising images of various beer brands. Then they were asked the question as to which brands do they recall on the prompt. Images of surrogate ads of kingfisher were mixed with a few distracters of beer ads images like Fosters. Every time the respondent mentioned a kingfisher ad which was there in the images we recorded it as a hit (H). However every time he recalled an advertisement which was not there we recorded as a false alarm (FA). When the respondent mentioned an ad which was in the images but it was not Kingfishers we gave it zero weight age. Combining the hits and the false a larms of the respondent, the corrected hit rate (HC) was calculated as HC = H-FA for each respondent. The similar procedure was repeated for all the 110 respondents. To measure aided recall the respondents were prompted with a 10 options of images to choose from in which there were a few distracters as well which were not there in the original set of images. To measure the hits every time the respondent marked the option which was there in the original set of images we recorded it as a hit and every time the respondent marked an ad which was not there in the original set of images, it was recorded as a false alarm. However every time the respondent marked an option which was there in the images we gave it zero weight age. To measure brand recognition we blurred the images of certain surrogate ads of Kingfisher along with a few distracters and asked the respondent if he could recognise the ads. Every correct recognition of a kingfisher ad was recorded as a hit while every incorrect r ecognition was recorded as a false alarm. However, every correct recognition of a distracter was given no weight age. A few of the images shown to the respondents are as follows: The questions for the brand attitude and brand image scales have already been mentioned above. They were administered twice, one before and once after the respondent was exposed to the external stimuli (surrogate ad). The sum of each scale was taken and a linear regression was run to find the significant values and check for hypothesis. Research Design Respondents: 110 respondents aged between 24 to 40 years across India. Data collection: For the purposes of administering the questionnaire we had short one to one interactions with the respondents. Further online questionnaires were floated to target students and working professionals. Control of extraneous variables: Since most part of the research was done through an online survey, there was little scope to control the effect of extraneous variables. Ideally, the study should have been conducted in a controlled environment wherein each respondent was exposed to the external stimuli in the same setting and environment, but due to resource constrains this could not be done. Results and Analysis: We intend to study the relation between brand awareness and brand image; and brand image and brand attitude and the effect of surrogate advertising on these relationships, before and after the application of external stimuli. Brand AwarenessÃÆ'  Brand Image: Brand Image ÃÆ'  Brand Attitude: Now we ran regression for both the equations (before and after the participants saw the surrogate advertisement advertisement video) and the significance was observed. Next the standardized Beta coefficient was compared before and the video to establish the effect of the video. Relationship: Beta (Standardized): The level of significance is greater 95% for Eqn. 1 in both the cases (pre and post exposure to stimuli), with a positive standardized beta which means that there exists a positive relationship between brand awareness and brand image. Hence our hypothesis (hypothesis 1) has been proved. Brand awareness and brand image are positively related. In the case of Eqn. 1, the value of the standardized coefficient, Beta, has decreased post exposure to external stimuli, which means that the relationship between brand awareness and brand image actually weakened after the respondent is exposed to the external stimuli. Hence our hypothesis (hypothesis 2) has been proved. Post exposure to Surrogate Advertising, the relationship between Brand Awareness and Brand Image would get weakened. The level of significance is greater 95% for Eqn. 2 in both the cases (pre and post exposure to stimuli), with a positive standardized beta which means that there exists a positive relationship between brand image and brand attitude. Hence our hypothesis (hypothesis 3) has been proved. Brand image and brand attitude are positively related. In the case of Eqn. 2, the value of the standardized coefficient, Beta, has increases post exposure to external stimuli, which means that the relationship between brand awareness and brand image actually weakened after the respondent is exposed to the external stimuli. Hence our hypothesis (hypothesis 4) has been proved. Post exposure to Surrogate Advertising, the relationship between Brand Image and Brand Awareness would get strengthened. The reasons for a slightly lower alpha coefficient could be: The scale proposed for measuring brand image comprised of General Brand Image and Product Brand Image scales. However as Product Brand Image Scale consisted of specific product attributes which cannot be gauged through surrogate advertisements we took only the General Brand Image items for measuring the brand image. This could be one of the reasons for lower value Cronbachs alpha coefficient for brand image. Adaptation of the scales to Indian context. Low control on extraneous variables. Likely implications: Our research could be of benefit to various liquor and tobacco companies in India to help in marketing and advertising and also to the various regulatory bodies. Ethical Implications- Surrogate advertisements are a debatable topic especially considering the fact that direct advertisements of liquor and tobacco is banned in India. If it is established that these form of advertisements actually increase the brand image and thereby resulting in increased sales then the whole purpose of banning the direct advertisements is defeated. Commercial Implications- However if the government still wishes to allow surrogate advertisements then even other companies can find this model useful. Limitations: The study is mostly conducted in Jamshedpur which is not a very big city. Beer consumption itself is low compared to metropolitan cities and choices of people may be influenced more by local brands than by established ones due to cheaper prices. Therefore even if surrogate advertisements are actually helpful in building a better brand image and awareness it might not get reflected in a city like Jamshedpur. For measuring brand awareness a large number of sample images need to be shown to the respondents under controlled conditions. Since the respondents responded to the questionnaire independently and not in a group extraneous variable like noise, light etc. could not be controlled for the lack of time and resources in carrying out the research. Scope for future research Evidently, there is a lot of scope in the field of surrogate advertising and its direct impact on brand image, brand attitude and brand awareness relationships. Future research can be expanded to larger cities and more quantifiable parameters like total sales volume can be used to determine the effectiveness of surrogate advertisements. Also, if brand awareness is measured overcoming the limitations mentioned above possible mediation of brand image leading to increased brand image through increased brand awareness on exposure to surrogate advertisements can be established. Effect of Surrogate Advertising on the Relationship between Brand Awareness, Brand Image Brand Attitude.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Present Progressive vs. Present Participle Verb Forms

Though both end in -ing, the present participle form of a verb isnt the same as the present progressive aspect. These terms can be a little confusing, but the verb forms themselves should be familiar: we use them all the time in speaking and writing. What They Are What is a present participle?The present participle is a verb form (made by adding -ing to the base) that can do the job of an adjective: Carl signed up for the singing competition.  (Note that singing modifies the noun competition.)   But wait,  as the infomercials say:  theres more that it can do! What is the present progressive aspect?The present progressive aspect is a  verb  construction made up of a present form of the verb  to be  plus  . . . a  present participle: Carl is singing his heart out.  (Note that the present tense is signaled by is, not by the participle singing.)  The progressive  usually conveys a sense of ongoing action (and is sometimes called the present continuous). What They Do A present participle by itself cant serve as the main verb of a sentence. For instance, Sadie, tapping her cane to the music is incomplete. In this example, tapping begins a present participial phrase that tells us something about the noun Sadie. One way to make this word group into a sentence is by adding a subject  (I) and a predicate  (remember): I remember Sadie, tapping her cane to the music.  But theres another way to turn this fragment into a complete sentence. A verb in the present progressive aspect may itself serve as the predicate of a sentence: Sadie is tapping her cane to the music. As weve seen, the present progressive is used for continuing activities—that is, for actions taking place at the moment of speaking and for actions that go on for a short period of time. A Quick Review We could easily have a sentence that contains both a present participial phrase (tapping her cane to the music) and a main verb in the present progressive (is singing): Tapping her cane to the music, Sadie is singing loudly and out of key. In this sentence, tapping is a present participle (unaccompanied by a form of the verb to be) while is singing (a form of the verb to be plus a present participle) serves as the main verb in the present progressive aspect. A Little Practice For each of the sentences below, decide if the -ing word is simply a present participle serving as an adjective or part of a present progressive construction. Youll find the answers at the end of the exercise. The clown is crying.The children laugh at the crying clown.A flying squirrel landed on the porch rail.Stray dogs are barking tonight, and the Rowland boy is lighting firecrackers.Our neighbors barking dog keeps us awake at night.  The Hendersons are moving to the mountains of Washington state.Happiness, Kinky said, is a moving target: were not happy until youre not happy. Answers: 1. present progressive (is crying); 2. present participle (crying clown); 3. present participle (flying squirrel); 4. present progressive (are barking and is lighting); 5. present participle (barking dog); 6. present progressive (are moving); 7. present participle (moving target)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects of Color on Personality and Relationships Essay

The Effects of Color on Personality and Relationships When dealing with interpersonal relationships people’s personalities are a large part of how people get along. When you meet a new person you may say that you â€Å"hit it off† or that â€Å"you just clicked†; this is due to how each other’s personalities coincide with one another’s. People’s personalities are impacted by there surroundings. This paper will discuss how color affects people’s moods and personalities. All people are affected by their surroundings. Emily Landen after a pilgrimage to several third world countries stated, â€Å"the children were so malnourished that it made me physically ill to continue to be around them everyday.† This is just a brief example of how one’s†¦show more content†¦Colors have subtle effects on our moods everyday. Psychologists have long since theorized that peoples preferences for color and color mixes have deep physiological affects on you mood or feeling. In fact, re search does suggest that color can affect your being and that your choice of color or combinations of color is significant to your mood. An example of this is that healthy people will prefer colors and color mixtures that reflect their health both physically and mentally. Furthermore, your color preferences are not necessarily fixed and that they will vary even within a given day depending on your mood. An evaluation of what each color must be made. The uses of color have spanned many area. Color has been used for years in medical treatments around the world. Before we can discuss how these colors affect us we must first examine what each color represents independently. Red is the color of energy, vitality and power. It is used for burning out cancer, drying up weeping sores or wounds, etc.; it will warm cold areas to reduce pain. Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. 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