Thursday, November 28, 2019

Proposed Study To Determine The Effects Of Heat On Immediate Recall Of

Proposed Study To Determine The Effects Of Heat On Immediate Recall Of Videotaped Lecture In College Students, Age 18 - 25 Proposed Study to Determine the Effects of Heat on Immediate Recall of Videotaped Lecture in College Students, Age 18 - 25 Dana Serrata The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College PSYC 3301.01 December 3, 1996 Dr. D. Freeberg Proposed Study to Determine the Effects of Heat on Immediate Recall of Videotaped Lecture in College Students, Age 18 - 25 Researchers have studied many aspects of temperature effects on human perception and cognition. Thermal stress, in the form of extreme heat, has been studied by examining the human response under this environmental condition (Hancock, 1986). In this way, researchers hope to gain a better understanding of how the human body and mind react to adverse environmental conditions and adapt to those circumstances or surroundings (Bell, 1981). Many studies of this type have focused on thermal stress and human performance in the work environment (Enander Bonnet, 1990; Meese, et al. 1984). Bonnet (1990) suggests that an elevated ambient temperature increases the stress of work. Researchers seem to agree that the core temperature of the body is closely tied to the perception of uncomfortable heat (or cold) (Bell, 1981; Bonnet, 1990; Enander Meese, et al. 1984; Hancock, 1986). Bell (1981) states that the core temperature of the body is 98.6? F, and that an elevation of this temperature above 11 3?F leads to death. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) endorses a range of temperatures that may be considered ambient and provide thermal comfort for most people. This ambient range is from 76?F to 80?F with an average relative humidity of 45% (Rohles, 1973). Some researchers have manipulated the ambient temperature to induce heat stress while testing subjects on cognitive and mental tasks. Pepler and Warner (1968) had undergraduate students study a self-teaching programmed text during exposure to six different temperature levels ranging from 16.7 to 33.3?C at 45% relative humidity. These students worked at a faster rate at high and low temperatures, with a higher rate of error. Wyon (1979), who has studied the effects of heat stress on mental performance in children, found that maximum performance on a word memory test was reached at 26?C. Bell and Greene (1982) have discussed three theoretical approaches which have been applied to interpret the effects of thermal stress on performance of which attention is one; along with body temperature and arousal. In their theory regarding attention, Bell and Greene state that information overload occurs when the demand for attention exceeds the limited information processing capacity available. This situation would be more likely to occur when an environmental stressor is present. Therefore, according to their theory, task performance changes under thermal stress and promotes adaptability in the cognitive strategies used to complete the task (Cohen, et al. 1986). Unfortunately, little research has been conducted on the effects of thermal stress on cognitive and mental tasks. Most research has focused on vigilance and manual tasks which reflects the practical purpose of these studies, which have been geared toward the military and certain types of work environments (Enander & Hygge, 1990). However, the research which has been conducted suggests an adverse effect on cognitive functions by thermal stress. This study proposes that the thermal heat stress encountered in a classroom will negatively effect the immediate recall ability of undergraduate college students. A post-test on content recall of a videotaped lecture will be given to two groups, the experimental group will be assigned to the hot room and encounter the thermal stress, while the control group will be in an ambient temperature classroom. Low scores on the post-test for the thermally stressed group will indicate a possible effect of heat on recall ability. Method Participants Participants will be 60 volunteers, 30 male and 30 female, undergraduate students from introductory psychology courses at The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College. Participants will range in age from 18 to 25 years old, must be fluent in the English language (written and spoken), must have normal or corrected eyesight and hearing, and no chronic physical problems. Participants will be randomly assigned to either the ambient temperature or hot temperature classroom, with

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Answers to Autism essays

Answers to Autism essays Autism comes from the Greek word autos, meaning self, implying a narrowing of relationships to people and the outside world. This disorder occurs in one in every five hundred births and at a ratio of five boys to every girl (Quick Facts about Autism). Autism is the third most common developmental disability following mental retardation and cerebral palsy. Many individuals have herd of autism; however, very few know the specifics of this neurobiological disorder and how it not only affects the person who has the disorder, but also the people who surround them. Autism is a neurobiological disorder of devilment that causes discrepancies or differences in the way information is processed (Understanding the nature of autism). The process of obtaining information affects an individual with autisms ability to do many things. For example, someone with this particular disorder may have more trouble understanding and using language to interact and communicate with people. He or she may also experience difficulty understanding and relating to people, events, and objects in the environment. Autism also affects ones ability to respond to sensory stimuli. Like other developmental disabilities, autism effects can range in the differentiations of severity. A number of factors that make the central nervous system develop abnormally can result in this disorder. There are several events that may take place during fetal development, during birth, or after birth that may trigger some developmental differences. For example, viral infections such as encephalitis or congenital rubella and metabolic imbalances such as phenylketunuria can cause affects of autism (Understanding the Nature of Autism). Also exposure to alcohol and drugs such as in cocaine addicted babies and oxygen deprivation may also result in damage that triggers developmental differences. Even though the condition that results in autism occurs at birth, parents or individu...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Hamlet - Character Analysis and Relationships

Hamlet - Character Analysis and Relationships Hamlet is the melancholy Prince of Denmark and grieving son to the recently deceased King. Thanks to Shakespeare’s skillful and psychologically-astute characterization, Hamlet is now considered to be the greatest dramatic character ever created. Hamlets Grief From our very first encounter with Hamlet, he is consumed by grief and obsessed by death. Although he is dressed in black to signify his mourning, his emotions run deeper than his appearance or words can convey. In Act 1, Scene 2, he says to his mother: ‘Tis not alone my inky cloak, good-mother,Nor customary suits of solemn black ...Together with all forms, moods, shows of griefThat can denote me truly. These indeed ‘seem’,For they are actions that a man might play;But I have that within which passeth show –These but the trappings and the suits of woe. The depth of Hamlet’s emotional turmoil can be measured against the high spirits displayed by the rest of the court. Hamlet is pained to think that everyone has managed to forget his father so quickly – especially his mother, Gertrude. Within a month of her husband’s death, Gertrude has married her brother-in-law. Hamlet cannot comprehend his mother’s actions and considers them to be an act of treachery. Hamlet and Claudius Hamlet idealizes his father in death and describes him as â€Å"so excellent a king† in his â€Å"O that this too too solid flesh would melt† speech in Act 1, Scene 2. It is, therefore, impossible for the new king, Claudius, to live up to Hamlet’s expectations. In the same scene, he pleads with Hamlet to think upon him as a father – an idea that furthers Hamlet’s contempt: We pray you to throw to earthThis unprevailing woe, and think of usAs of a father When the ghost reveals that Claudius killed the king to take the throne, Hamlet vows to avenge his father’s murder. However, Hamlet is emotionally disorientated and finds it difficult to take action. He cannot balance his overwhelming hatred for Claudius, his all-encompassing grief and the evil required to carry out his revenge. Hamlet’s desperate philosophizing leads him into a moral paradox: that he must commit murder to avenge murder. Hamlet’s act of revenge is inevitably delayed amid his emotional turmoil. Hamlet After Exile We see a different Hamlet return from exile in Act 5: his emotional turmoil has been replaced by perspective, and his anxiety replaced by cool rationality. By the final scene, Hamlet has come to the realization that killing Claudius is his destiny: Theres a divinity that shapes our ends,Rough-hew them how we will. Perhaps Hamlet’s new-found confidence in fate is little more than a form of self-justification; a way to rationally and morally distance himself from the murder he is about to commit. It is the complexity of Hamlet’s characterization that has made him so enduring. Today, it is difficult to appreciate how revolutionary Shakespeare’s approach to Hamlet was because his contemporaries were still penning two-dimensional characters. Hamlet’s psychological subtlety emerged in a time before the concept of psychology had been invented – a truly remarkable feat.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Conjugate the Verb Stare in Italian

How to Conjugate the Verb 'Stare' in Italian â€Å"Stare† is used to talk about all things, from how you’re doing to where you’re at in Italy, so it’s best if you feel comfortable using this word in all its forms. What’s more, it’s an irregular verb, so it doesn’t follow the typical -are verb ending pattern. Below, you’ll find all of its conjugation tables as well as examples, so you can become more familiar with using stare. Definitions of Stare To beTo stayTo remainTo standTo be situatedTo liveTo be about to Stare in Italian It’s an intransitive verb, so it does not take a direct object.The infinito is â€Å"stare.†The participio passato is â€Å"stato.†The gerund form is â€Å"stando.†The past gerund form is â€Å"essendo stato.† Indicativo/Indicative​ Il presente io sto noi stiamo tu stai voi state lui, lei, Lei sta loro, Loro stanno Esempi: Sto bene, e tu? I’m good, and you? Maria sta buttando la pasta, ti fermi a pranzo con noi? Maria is about to cook pasta, are you going to have lunch with us? Il passato prossimo io sono stato/a noi siamo stati/e tu sei stato/a voi siete stati/e lui, lei, Lei à ¨ stato/a loro, Loro sono stati/e Esempi: Sono stata a Bologna ieri sera. I was in Bologna last night. Marco e Giulio sono stati davvero carini! Marco and Giulio were extremely nice! L’imperfetto io stavo noi stavamo tu stavi voi stavate lui, lei, Lei stava loro, Loro stavano Esempi: Che stavi facendo? What were you doing? Stavamo per partire quando ci ha chiamato Giulia. We were about to leave when Giulia called us. Il trapassato prossimo io ero stato/a noi eravamo stati/e tu eri stato/a voi eravate stati/e lui, lei, Lei era stato/a loro, Loro erano stati/e Esempi: Ho vissuto in Italia per 12 anni e non ero mai stato a Roma. I lived in Italy for 12 years and I had never been to Rome. Ero stato anche all’aeroporto, ma era gi partita. I also was at the airport, but she had already left. Il passato remoto io stetti noi stemmo tu stesti voi steste lui, lei, Lei stette loro, Loro stettero Esempi: Nel 1996, stetti a Londra per due settimane. In 1996, I stayed in London for two weeks. Stettrero ospiti a casa di Sandra durante il loro soggiorno a Milano. They stayed at Sandra’s during their stay in Milan. Il trapassato remoto io fui stato/a noi fummo stati/e tu fosti stato/a voi foste stati/e lui, lei, Lei fu stato/a loro, Loro furono stati/e This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it only in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io starà ² noi staremo tu starai voi starete lui, lei, Lei star loro, Loro staranno Esempi: Sà ¬, infatti, lui à ¨ malato, perà ² star bene fra un paio di giorni. Yes, in fact, he is sick, but he will be better in a couple of days. Starà ² pià ¹ attento, te lo prometto. I will pay more attention, I promise. Il futuro anteriore Io sarà ² stato/a noi saremo stati/e tu sarai stato/a voi sarete stati/e lui, lei, Lei sar stato/a loro, Loro saranno stati/e Esempi: Ho dimenticato di prenotare i biglietti? Sarà ² stato davvero stanco ieri sera. I forgot to book the tickets? I must have been really tired last night. Dov’era Giulia a sabato? Sar stata con suoi amici. Where was Giula on Saturday? She must have been with her friends. Congiuntivo/Subjunctive​ ï » ¿Il presente che io stia che noi stiamo che tu stia che voi stiate che lui, lei, Lei stia che loro, Loro stiano Esempi: Non so perchà © lui stia qua. I don’t know why he is here. Non penso che tu stia preparando abbastanza piatti. I don’t think you’re preparing enough dishes. Il passato io sia stato/a noi siamo stati/e tu sia stato/a voi siate stati/e lui, lei, Lei sia stato/a loro, Loro siano stati/e Esempi: Penso sia stato meglio cosà ¬. I think it was for the best. Credo proprio che siano stati accompagnati in taxi all’aereoporto. I really think they had been taken by taxi to the airport. L’imperfetto io stessi noi stessimo tu stessi voi steste lui, lei, Lei stesse loro, Loro stessero Esempi: Non pensavo che lui stesse alla festa. I didn’t know that he was at the party. Pensavo che stesse a dormire a casa tua. Sarei stato molto pià ¹ tranquillo! I thought she was sleeping at your place. I would have been a lot more relaxed! Il trapassato prossimo Io fossi stato/a noi fossimo stati/e tu fossi stato/a voi foste stati/e lui, lei, Lei fosse stato/a loro, Loro fossero stati/e Esempi: Se quel giorno fossi stato con lui, non sarebbe stato cosà ¬ triste. If I had been with him that day, he wouldn’t have been so sad. Se fossimo stati amici in quel periodo, ci saremmo divertiti un sacco! If we had been friends during that time, we would have had so much fun! Condizionale/Conditional​​ Il presente io starei noi staremmo tu staresti voi stareste lui, lei, Lei starebbe loro, Loro starebbero Esempi: Se io abitassi in Italia, starei meglio. If I were to live in Italy, I would be better. Se aveste finito i vostri compiti a quest’ora stareste al mare! If you had finished your homework, by this time you would be at the seaside! Il passato io sarei stato/a noi saremmo stati/e tu saresti stato/a voi sareste stati/e lui, lei, Lei sarebbe stato/a loro, Loro sarebbero stati/e Esempi: Sarei stata contenta se lui mi avesse regalato dei fiori. I would have been happy if he had given me some flowers. Non sarebbe stato possibile senza l’aiuto di Giulia. It wouldn’t have been possible without Giulia’s help. Imperativo/Imperative​​ Presente stiamo sta/stai/sa’ state stia stiano Stai zitto! Be quiet (informal)! Stia attenta! Pay attention (formal)!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Credible Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Credible Ethics - Essay Example That is, being not irascible. In this case, it is a deficiency. It would, as well, be a vice if one get too angry and, therefore, irascible. In this case, it is in excess. What would be a virtue would entail being mild. That is, not being deficient of anger or having excess anger, but the mean. Aristotle is correct to state that virtue is a transition between two extremes, deficiency and excess. This is because moral virtues differ from intellectual virtues. Taking moral virtues from this perspective puts emphasis on the notion of the soul. The view brings the soul close to the body and refutes the ground that the soul is independent of the body. It emphasizes on the three components of the soul (passions, faculties and characters). In Aristotle’s view, the ability to control desires constitutes (moral) virtue (Fieser 36). For, instance, Aristotle does not praise or direct blames to people for experiencing anger as an emotion. He rather tends to praise the notion that characters only experience anger only when it is necessary, probably by situations that prevail. It, therefore, provides that virtue do not link with the capabilities of the

Active Volcanoes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Active Volcanoes - Essay Example Mount Merapi literally means â€Å"Fire Mountain† in Indonesia and is an active stratovolcano located on the border between central Java and Yogjakarta. On the other hand, Laki is a legendary Icelandic volcano, which has lain dormant since its huge eruption in 1783. Satellite technology now makes it possible to monitor volcanic activity in even the most isolated corners of the globe and to routinely observe changes in the Earth’s surface that may signal an impending eruption. This help identifies those volcanoes presenting the greatest danger. The MODIS Thermal Alert System, also known as MODVOLC, now enables scientists to detect volcanic activity anywhere in the world within hours of its occurrence. Using MODVOLC, volcanologists have seen many active volcanoes that previously went undetected. Aside from serious disasters posed to humans and property, active volcanoes also produce serious environmental effects. The commonly-known threat a volcano can present is the flow of super-heated rock known as lava. This lava causes fires and will destroy everything in its path. In addition, a tsunami can develop and damage shorelines. Furthermore, active volcanoes have an intense impact on the stratosphere, the second layer of the atmosphere. Gases released from the eruption convert sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid, which condenses in the stratosphere. This greenhouse gas traps heat in the atmosphere. Volcanoes produce sulfate aerosols, which affect the surface temperature of the earth. A volcanic eruption promotes chemical reactions that alter chlorine and nitrogen which destroys the ozone layer. Moreover, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride are released by volcanic activity and dissolved in water droplets in steam clouds.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Current Situation in Diversity Management in the Workplace Essay

Current Situation in Diversity Management in the Workplace - Essay Example Thus, diversity in management is essential in the current state of economic affairs. Diversity in workplace helps the organizations to attract businesses, corporations and government talents from almost all the directions. It also helps the companies to tap emerging new markets and enjoy the fruits of efficient government policies (Cook, 24). Managing diversity in the firms involves observing legal and policy requirements in a very simple manner. In the current epoch diversity in workplaces helps companies to promote community and comfort with differences (Williams 17). Finally diversity in the workplaces helps firms to achieve successful growth in the long run. Workplace diversity provides immense benefits to an organization. The business firms can expand their thoughts outside-the-box and enjoy efficient teamwork with diversity in managements. A cordial atmosphere of mutual understanding and respect is enjoyed by the workers in an organization that diversifies its workplace.  "A company’s performance is always linked to its ability to recruit the right people. People want to work for companies that demonstrate that diversity matters. There needs to be a sustained culture assault down the supply chain that business must encourage.† (Shakhray 6). ... In order to compete in the growing economy, it is important for the business organizations to select the brightest talent in their agencies. This is easily executed in the current era with diversification of management of the workplaces. More innovative and creative solutions are formulized nowadays by the business firms by diversifying in terms of experiences and skills. Significant improvement in both workplace productivity and work performance can be enjoyed by the firms in the current economy with the help of diversification of bureau. Briefly, diversity of work is the actual key that is responsible to foster the economic growth of the current period. Case Study: Workforce Diversity in U.S. U.S. is a highly developed country in the world both in terms of social and economical development. The rate of urbanization in the country is above 80%. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well as GDP per Capita is improving significantly in U.S. with time. About 79.7% of the total population in U.S. is engaged in the service sector. The service sector of the country is highly diverse in terms of skill, race, gender etc. Approximately 155,163,000 was the labor force of U.S. in July 2012. This strength included the workers who were actively employed as well as those who were seeking employments. Figure 1: Workforce diversity in US (Source: American Progress, â€Å"The State of Diversity in Today’s Workforce†) The graph above enumerates the current workforce diversity in the U.S. market in 2011 in the employment sector. It is visualized from the above graph that 16.49% of the total workforce works in the state owned public sectors in U.S. 10.58% and 3.8% are the proportions of the people working in

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cross Cultural Management Case Study 1500words exc Essay

Cross Cultural Management Case Study 1500words exc. ReferencingBibliography - Essay Example The decision to enter markets outside the home country depends on a company's resources, managerial mindset and the nature of opportunity and threat. Mattel's best-known brand Barbie and its enviable global position has resulted in part from the company's willingness and ability to back its flag ship product with a strong local marketing effort. Mattel has positioned its brand 'Barbie' as a global brand, independent of any country of origin link. Barbie is a Barbie wherever it is made. Mattel has adopted a geocentric orientation i. e., it is adopting a worldview that sees similarity and differences in markets and countries and seeks to create a global strategy that is fully responsive to local needs and wants. Mattel's global marketing strategies for Barbie converges to market needs and wants, technologies advancements and socio-culture integration. A global marketing strategy is built on an information system that scans the world business environment to identify opportunities, trend s, threats and resources. A truly global company leverages its skills and focuses its resource to create superior perceived value for customers and achieve competitive advantage. Mattel has adopted the above strategies to become successful in global market. 2. As Theodore Levitt (1983) in his article" the globalization of markets" in the Harvard Business review argued that around the globe using standardized high quality world products and market then around the global using standardized advertising, pricing and distribution. But most of the organization found it, just a bunk. However success is not solely based on a standardization of marketing elements. To be successful in different market could be achieved only by spending a great deal of time and money to become an insider. That is, the company built a complete local infrastructure with its sales force. Now exactly the same path Mattel has adopted to become successful in Japanese market. Initially Mettle's Barbie has failed is John W. Amerman former CEO of Mattel state 'they did not know what that product was, and it didn't work" (Golab, 1994). Even availing the services of the consultant and modification of product looks do not have sufficient effect. Even the second partnership wi th Bandai didn't worked property. Finally in 1991, Mattel's own sales and marketing staff and office plays the trick and after spending more time and money, in 1994, Mattel has achieved some success and made profit in Japan with sales almost doubling since reintroduction (Golab, 1994). Mattel introduced its own American Barbie with long hair " Star princess Barbie" which becomes one of the top selling dolls in Japan (Thornton, 1994). Apart from time and marketing infrastructure development Mattel has conducted a consumer research in the Japanese market to understand the actual likings of the target customers. To survive in this new globally competitive world we had to modernize. Information technology is the glue for everything we do. For global marketer, information is one of the most essential requirements for decision-making (Reid, 1995; Green and Eric, 1975; Mullen, 1995). So market

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Law Enforcement scenario assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law Enforcement scenario - Assignment Example The door has been secured well because the thieves were unable to break the door but they entered the building by breaking the windows of the doors. This is the main place where the problem is. Secondly, despite the fact that the door locks have been secured, the overall security of the building is not assured because audiovisual equipment lost in the TV room in addition to the keyboard and mouse that disappeared from the library. These equipments were stolen but not through breaking in. The first issue is that the audiovisual equipment, the keyboard, and the mouse went missing without breakages into the building. Secondly, thieves stole several computers from the computer lab by breaking in through the door windows on the exterior stairwell. The course of action for putting lighting in the rear doors did not meet the criteria regarding cost and was eliminated from consideration. The remaining courses of action were put on the evaluation criteria of cost and maintenance that meet the safety

Johnny Depp as Edward Scissorhands Essay Example for Free

Johnny Depp as Edward Scissorhands Essay Johnny Depp, also known as Edward Scissorhands is the main focus of this movie. Edward being an invention â€Å"monster† as some might say, but he also has a kind heart for others. After the inventor â€Å"Father† of Edward died he stayed inclosed in the house, leaving him unfinished him having scissors for hands, he had become socially disconnected. Looking into Edwards eyes you can tell he’s lost soul being in trapped in a unwanted body. Deserted in this House he calls home all alone until one day, Peg, a woman who sells avon, barges in and takes him with her. Edward gentle but frightened doesnt know what the world had in store for him. Being alone for as long as Edward was he desired the attention Peg gave him. i honestly think Tim Burtons main focus of this film was to show that you cant judge a book by its cover, by showing off Edwards unique qualities showing his fascinating personality loving heart towards others. While easily amazing the neighbors with his shrub trimming and hair cutting skills. Edward falls drastically in love with Peg’s daughter Kim, but, KIm is dating the Jim who is just very hateful to Edward. Jim always pointed out that he could never hold hands with Kim without hurting her, also Edward being so socially disconnected from society.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Causes and Effects of Absenteeism in Local Government (UK)

Causes and Effects of Absenteeism in Local Government (UK) 1.0- ABSTRACT Absenteeism can happen through authorised and unauthorised absence and these can be grouped into: situational, personal and attendance factors. Causes: headaches, hang-over cold flu, unchallenging jobs and poor management are common causes of absenteeism and managers generally suspicious of employees reasons for absenteeism. Effects: Unplanned absence is disorganising, frustrating and expensive for organisations. UK absenteeism rate in European is similar to Denmark, (see p11-12). Absenteeism is positively correlated with employee motivation and satisfaction. Combating absenteeism: absence can be minimised by providing challenging jobs, rewarding attendance and maintaining a zero tolerance to absence. Return-to-work interviews are empirically proven method of reducing absenteeism in local government. Adding, studying industries with lower absence rate may prove a useful tool for minimising absenteeism in local government. This report acknowledges that limitations such as privacy and Human Rights laws protects workers privacy from being invaded by organisations, HR managers ought to know there limitations. 2.0- INTRODUCTION Absenteeism is the avoidance of or failure to attend ones place of work hence unable to perform a contractual working obligation owing to absence. In other words, absenteeism is unplanned or planned absence created by an employee intentionally such as deliberately avoiding work through non-attendance for personal reasons or unintentionally like maternity leave, bereavement and ill-health. This research essay shall be confining the report to intentional or self created absenteeism which can be disruptive, expensive and difficult to manage, (Armstrong, 2006). Undoubtedly, this form of absenteeism is the worst nightmare of all managers because of having to deal with the same workload with limited workforces. According to Benington, (2000) site in (McHugh, 2001) the UK local government has become a ‘‘last chance saloon meaning failure to ‘put-up will require government takeover or privatisation. Furthermore, CBI, (2004) cited in Taylor (2005), acknowledged that absenteeism costs the UK government  £12 billion pounds yearly. Presenteeism is the opposite of absenteeism and it means ‘110% attendance with the view to impressing ones boss. The most regular mentioned ‘causes of absenteeism reported by employees especially in local government are: headaches, cold, flu, stress, back pain, food poisoning and family issues. It must be stated that other causes such as repetitive jobs, poor management, leadership, and organisational climate are factors. 3.0- LITERATURE REVIEW 3.1- CAUSES OF ABSENTEEISM Public sector absenteeism has attracted much research especially in the local government probably because of better monitoring systems such as extensive documentation than the private sector. Noteworthy is the fact that there are no universally agreed causes of absenteeism however; there are some regular cited ones are claimed to contribute to absenteeism. According to Taylor, (2005), a research company called My Voice asserted that 56% of employees admitted to taking a ‘sickie. That is calming absence from work under false pretence. Interestingly, the real reasons stipulated by the survey for the absence includes: hung-over, stress and hatred for the job itself. Consequently, managers are generally suspicious of employees claiming absence on sick grounds based on the above survey. It is an undeniable fact that such findings breeds mistrust between managers and their employees. Obviously, one can understand why managers might be frustrated by employees absence because it brings disorder to management plans and the execution of scheduled activities. Gennard, Judge, (2005) are of the view that death, paternity leave, inability to return from planned holidays and ‘ alleged sickness are the main causes of absenteeism. It is abundantly clear that bereavement does cause absenteeism but on limited scale however, this report is less concern with that form of absenteeism because it is natural rather than intentional. Paternity leave being a cause of absence might sound baffling however, this report maintains that paternity leave even though a planned absenteeism, might potential cause some form authorised absence for reasons like a sudden developments- such as mother falling sick, babys health, family and family visits and gatherings. This report maintains that the possibility of this form of absenteeism being abused is not unlikely. Adding, planned holidays might degenerate into unplanned absence due to certain unforeseen circumstances. This is likely to affect those who take holidays abroad. This form of unplanned absence might be caused by flight delays and cancellations due to political issues like wars and protest as happened in Thailand, natural disasters such as disease outbreak, for example the pandemic ‘‘H1N1 Swine Flu which first broke out in Mexico and for that matter the quarantine of infected victims had to be done, earthquakes as happened in Indonesia. According to Armstrong, (2006), the causes of absenteeism could be broadly attributed to three (3) factors namely: ‘Situational factors, Personal factors and Attendance factors: ‘Situational factors include the nature of the job itself; is it repetitive and boring or interesting and challenging enough? Obviously, a repetitive job may generate stress and job resentment. The sort of leadership and organisational climate employees operate under may generate absenteeism. While agreeing to some extend that these situational factors might generate absenteeism, it is worth acknowledging that some people hate change and will always struggle to maintain the status quo. These people may rather prefer doing a repetitive job than a challenging one. ‘Personal factors are: the worth of an employee, his or her personality, age and sex may contribute to an employee absence. This research report concedes to the fact that these stated factors are influencer of absenteeism in local government based on a valid research: Barmby et al, ‘survey (1999) cited in Taylor (2005), p316 recorded that men were unlikely to be absent from work than their female counterparts and even more profound was the fact that England has lower absenteeism than any were else in the UK. Quite obviously, the wage disparity across the UK has a lot to with it hence the lowest rate (absenteeism) in England than anywhere else in the UK. Lastly, attendance factors include; the sort of incentives allocated to rewarding good employee behaviour like regular attendance as well as sickness policies. It is an undeniable fact that most people respond positively to incentives and rewards both in kind and in cash. According to Jacqueline A.-M et al, (2003), the ‘psychological contract plays a significant role in contributing negatively or positively to employee performance and attitudes in the local government. Absenteeism is gradually gaining the publicity it deserves in the local government according to CBI, (1999); Local Government Auditor, 1999) cited in (McHugh, 2001). This report is of the view that organisations either private or the local government can no longer afford to remain in a vacuum but rather to face up to the challenges like the unpredictability of the marketing environment. This means all local governments and organisations are compelled to make the necessary savings they can get from all areas in order to survive in this aggressive but compelling marketing environment called ‘the survival of the fittest. In fact, there has never been a century that has imposed and forced change on all manner of organisations like the 21st century. The present business environment is one that constantly says keep changing or you will be made obsolete. Furthermore, Johansson, Palme, (2002) proposed that a positive attitude to ‘a short- term sickness and taxes encourages absenteeism. In other words, encouraging ‘nanny culture such as paying for sick leave encourages local government workers to take off sick for private reasons other than genuine sickness. In short, such policies however well intentioned may rather be taken for granted and instead abused. IDS, (2001b, pp2-3) cited in (Taylor 2005), p329 proposed that the public sector workers records higher absenteeism than the private sector because, there are less punitive measures taken against public servants than their private sector counterparts. This research lends support to some extend to the argument however, contrary to the point; local government organisations do take longer time to act due to bureaucracies but does not necessarily mean that punitive measures are not exercised in the public sector as claimed. Adding, this report supports the view that absenteeism is more prevalent in the private than the public sector. This is due to the fact that public employees receive better treatment and are valued fairly than their private sector counterparts (the psychological contract), (Jacqueline A.-M et al, 2003). This report observes that certain councils are renowned for recording high rate of absenteeism for instance, Northern Ireland councils than those in England, (McHugh, 2002). In summary, there are disparities between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as regards to absenteeism. And in Europe as a whole, the UK is not doing badly according UK government statistics. Also, it is an undeniable fact that poor record keeping encourages absenteeism. If organisations and for that matter local government organisations like the NHS, keeps up-to-date records of all employee absence, it would discourage absenteeism because most people hate being monitored. Proper documentation and monitoring of employee absence is likely to generate the needed attention absenteeism deserves leading to a collective action against the perpetrators of absenteeism. Conversely, it is not an exaggeration that the costs of keeping up-to-date information on employee attendance are expensive and complicated because of the technology involved such as biometric data collecting systems like the ‘Swipe in Swipe out, ‘phone book-ins and finger and hand scanning are expensive systems which are not without disadvantages. For instance, an employee may give his or her card to a colleague to wipe them in discretely and on the other hand, an employee may genuinely forget to swipe in and out. 3.2- EFFECTS OF ABSENTEEISM The effects of absenteeism are difficult to quantify though various researches have attempted valuing it. Absenteeism costs the UK government  £12 billion pounds yearly, (Taylor 2005). That figure can be a full year budget for most developing countries especially in Africa and Asia. Adding to the above, Davis, Geddes, (2000); Blair, (1998) cited in (McHugh, 2001), p43 was reported to have issued a warning to local councils to stop wasting local government funds by providing ‘value for money services by combating preventable issues like absenteeism. Quite earnestly, absenteeism is an avoidable cost which if managed properly has benefits for all organisations both public and private firms. The US economic is on record for losing $40 billion dollars a year on absenteeism, (Dalton, Mesch, 1991; Unckless et al 1998) mentioned in (Gaudine, Saks, 2001).That money is enough to provide employment for hundreds of people especially under this current economic turbulence. Another disadvantage of employee absence, despite it being costly for the local government is that it also disrupts management plans and decisions according to Armstrong, (2006). Managers are usually provided with a specification tasks with limited time-frame within which to report back to their superiors for assessment. Consequently, an unplanned absence may significantly affect managers flexibility, time and the speed at which the work and for that reason, may cause irritation for management as a whole. Lastly, an employees sudden absence may stir up negative feelings among his fellow work- colleagues. It is a convincing fact that more often, managers are unable to fill in or organise a quick replacement for an absent employee but rather, overburden their subordinates with the same magnitude of workload. Nevertheless, they (managers) still expect their workforce to deliver the same level of performance without considering the manpower shortage. Consequently, this leads to the development of hatred and resentment among work colleagues which is not healthy for the organisation and for that matter the local government because, synergy may be lost in the process (working against one another rather than as a team or 2+2=5). Is absenteeism a function of employee motivation or dissatisfaction breeds absenteeism? This research report argues that a good psychological employment contracts is a recipe for a better employee attitude as in the case of local government employment than the private sector (Jacqueline A.-M et al, 2003). Obviously most government jobs are fairly stable and permanent hence the issue of job security is guaranteed as opposed to the private sector. Moreover, Martocchio, (1994); Johns, Nicholson, (1992) cited in McHugh (2001, p44), claimed that an employees commitment and dedication are a function of his or her motivation in the organisation. This report shall concede to this fact because people generally response positively or otherwise to incentives and rewards depending on their situation (perception). Ehrenberg et al, (1991) claims that students absenteeism impact on their academic performance especially during examinations. Now, if this assertion is true then, one can justifiably maintain that employee absence affects their work in terms of quality, speed and concentration. CIPD, (2006), cited in (Torrington et al, 2008), p339 found that absenteeism was high in food and drink sector, and in local government; however, NGOs, Media and the leisure sector had lower absence rate. Arguably, it is not surprising that voluntary and leisure organisations had better attendance because they are satisfying jobs with high commitment and goal congruence. According to the CBI, (AXA, 2005) and (CIPD, 2005) mentioned in (Torrington et al, 2008), UK absence is similar to Denmarks but lower than Norway, Sweden and Finland. This statistics were rather surprising to because, these three countries above beaten by the UK are usually among the top 10 countries for quality living hence they should have beaten the UK. 3.3- RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ABSENTEEISM AND MOTIVATION? Kass, et al, (2001) empirically concluded that unchallenging and uninteresting jobs profoundly determine the performance (poor) of an employee, their longevity in the organisation and even more importantly the frequency of absenteeism he or she exhibits. This reported utterly concedes to the above fact that boredom breeds laziness and the attitude of it because people who are boredom prone such as activists and kinaesthetic learners (hyperactive) performance may be hampered by unchallenging tasks and subsequently but inevitably lead to worker absenteeism. Interestingly, Wyatt, (1929) cited in (Kass, et al 2001, p318), concurred that performance, motivation and employee attitude to work are correlated (positively). This means that an employees performance is a function of the level of motivation he or she enjoys from the job. In other words, an unmotivated employee will obviously demonstrated a lackadaisical attitude to his or her job and for that matter the company. Furthermore, in Maslows theory, ‘man is an insatiably need driven animal who is always seeking for the fulfilment his or her present need but in a successive order of prominence, (Croft, Norton, 2005). Ultimately, Maslows needs theory shares light on employees behaviour in the sense that, it categorically emphasises studying and listening to the workforces in order to avoid being ‘out of touch and concluding that what motivates Mr. A will motivate Mr. B, as it were and even more importantly the theory advises a full analogy of an employee before concluding on sort of incentives that will induce a desired behaviour. The Hawthorne study supports that recognition of a workgroup motivates performance and arguably the Hawthorn enquiries are in line with Abraham Maslows needs theory. Another useful theory for analysing the relationship between motivation and performance is Herzberg et al (1957) two factor theory: Motivators- responsibility, recognition and achievement and Hygiene factors-wages or salaries, job security and supervision, cite in (Armstrong, 2006). The absence of hygiene factors results in worker dissatisfaction claims Herzberg. In other words, hygiene factors do not creates satisfaction by themselves but rather, their absences leaves employees dissatisfied according to Herzbergs theory. Now if Herzbergs theory is anything good to go by, an employees absence (regular) should trigger an investigation and a subsequent identification of the causes. For instance, employee absenteeism can be due to lack of job satisfaction because of repetitive and boring jobs, due to lack of recognition for the employees achievement also, poor leadership in the form of supervision may equally cause dissatisfaction. Herzbergs two factor theory failed to anticipated the change in the psychological employment contract which has shifted power away from the employer to employees consequently, Herzbergs assertion that money is not a motivator is debatable (untrue) today and for that matter, it leaves the famous two factor theory for criticism. Adding, it is an undeniable fact that money is a real motivator taking into account the actual causes of this current financial turmoil or the current recession across the world. It is emphatically clear that this recession was engineered by greedy people whose sole motivation was nothing rather than big bonuses, pay packages or simply put, money to be precise. If these outrageous financial institutions heads, bankers and money lenders were not motivated by money then what else brought this financial ‘meltdown to this world? Furthermore, Vroom et al (1960s) cited in (Croft, Norton, (2005), p16, states that persons motivations defines the measure of input he or she will expands. This means that the package (employment contract), the job itself and the organisational climate all have a definite role in contributing to the performance of an employee in a company. This report utterly agrees with this view because workers generally expect interesting and challenging jobs, good leadership, a fair pay for their work done and of course recognitions for their efforts. Consequently, the infulfilment of these expectations inevitably results in all sorts of attitudes and behaviours such as absenteeism. Porter and lawler, model (1968) mention in (Armstrong, 2006) is arguably complementary to Vrooms thought because it advocates that two instruments were central to the contribution of workers in an organisation: value of reward and the relationship between their efforts and the outcome taking into account the individual capability and expectations, (Armstrong 2006). In other words, when rewards are carefully crafted strategically taking into consideration the abilities and expertise of the individual then good performance is an inevitable outcome because there will be goal congruence between organisation and the individual which leads to superior organisational performance known as competitive advantage. Sometimes this sort of strategic fit between organisations and employees does make a company an ‘employer of a choice- a company which most people would love to work for due to several factors like good employee treatment, fairness and the organisational climate (good) for instance, British Airways, Microsoft Corporation, NASA (space centre) and the BBC. 4.0- COMBATING ABSENTEEISM. According to Taylor (2005), punitive solutions, using rewards and tackling the root causes of absenteeism is the answer to minimising absenteeism. Obviously, the use of the ‘carrot and stick method is being advocated and finding out the real triggers of absenteeism as well. However, this requires proper documentation and monitoring of employees attendance which can be expensive. Most research supports the view that using punitive styles like basing promotion and rewards decisions on employee attitudes (attendance) reduces absenteeism. This strategy creates and communicates a clear message to employees that their future especially in that organisation is a function of their contribution and commitment which convincing. Gennard, Judge (2005) also agreed that ‘return-to-work interviews are the most effective means of reducing absenteeism because it assertively notifies the worker that such attitudes would be punished if necessary. This strategy integrates investigation of the case with documentation as well as communicating to the perpetrators that they are being monitored which I think, must be applauded. According to Armstrong, (2006), absenteeism can be eradicated through management commitment, trust, and return to work interviews. Management commitment is about harnessing management support and commitment to abrogating absenteeism while nurturing and development trust through transparent policies, regular dialogue and communication between management and their subordinates. In resounding, local government absenteeism can be reduced by tackling stress by way providing training and development to management and leadership with the aim of inculcating and developing good leadership and people skills into leaders. Furthermore, boredom can be prevented from inducing absenteeism by making jobs interesting and challenging like providing job enrichment, job enlargement and the empowerment of workers. Rewarding attendance (100%) has been empirically proven to reduce absenteeism from 10-8 days, (Silcox, 2005d) cited in (Torrington et al, 2008). Finally, even though this report labours to avoid the ‘stick method of reducing absenteeism, it is conceding to note that return-to-word interviews are empirical proven beyond reasonable doubt that they are profoundly effective in reducing employee absence in both the public and private section organisations. 5.0- CONCLUSIONS Absenteeism is problem faced by all organisations and the causes include: hang-over, headaches, boring jobs and poor management however, management believes that most ‘alleged causes are non-genuine which costs organisations money. Some writers claimed that absenteeism is more prevalent in the public sector than the private sector. This report disagrees with that argument because, undeniably, absenteeism is positively related to motivation consequently, since the public sector gets be employment contract than their private sector counterparts, absence must be less prevalent than private organisations. Punitive measures such as return-to-work interviews are particularly effective in reducing worker absenteeism. Conclusively, this report maintains that absenteeism cannot be eradicated but rather minimised because providing a challenging jobs, rewarding attendance and good leadership cannot change personal habits cultivated over decades. Adding though return-to-work-interviews is an effective means of reducing absenteeism; the process cannot intrusively used due to privacy concerns. For instance, (IRS, 2002a) cited in (Torrington et al, 2008), p 349 emphasised that the Human Right Act, 1998 awareness is important. The report recommends a specific study into low absenteeism sectors: non-profit organisations, voluntary sectors, Media and recreational sector to ascertain the real causes of employee absenteeism. REFERENCES 1. Michael Armstrong, A Hand Book of Human Resource Management Practice, 2006, 10th Edition Kogan Page, London, UK. 2. Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Randy A. Ehrenberg, Daniel I. Rees and Eric L. Ehrenberg; School Leave Policies, Teacher Absenteeism and Students Achievement, 1991, journal of Human Resources, vol. 26. no. 1 pp 72-105 University of Wisconsin ,Press, URL: 3. Alice P.Gaudine1 and Alan M. Saks2, Effects of Absenteeism Feedback Intervention on Employee Absence Behaviour 2001; 1.School of Nursing, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Newfoundland, Canada, 2. School of Administrative Studies, York University, Ontario, Canada, journal of organisation Behaviour, vol.22. No.1 Pp15-29. Feb., URL: 4. John Gennard and Graham Judge, Employee Relations, 2005, 4th edition CIPD, London. UK. 5. Jacqueline A.-M, Coyle-Shapiro and Ian Kessler, the Employment Relations in the UK Public Sector: A Psychological Contract Perspective, a journal of Public Administration Research and Theory; j-part, Vol. 13, no. 2. April 2003, pp213-230, Oxford University Press on behalf of the Public Management Research Association. URL: 6. Per Johansson, Martin Palme, Assessing the Effect of Public Policy on Worker Absenteeism, 2002, The Journal of Human Resource, vol. 37, no. 2, pp 381-409, University of Wisconsin Press, URL: 3069652. 7. Marie McHugh: Employee absence: an impediment to organisation health in local government,2002 School of Management, University of Ulster, Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland, International journal of Public Sector Management, vol. 14, no. 1, pp 43-58, MCB University Press, 0951-3558, 8. Marie McHugh: Employee absence: an impediment to organisation health in local government,2001, School of Management, University of Ulster, Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland, International journal of Public Sector Management, vol. 14, no. 1, pp 43-58, MCB University Press, 0951-3558, 9. Stephen Taylor, People Resourcing, 2005, 3rd edition, CIPD, London, UK. 10. Derek Torrington, Laura Hall and Stephen Taylor: Human Resource Management, 7th Edition, 2008, Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, FT, England and Spain.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

In this experiment I am going to investigate how different :: Bilogy

In this experiment I am going to investigate how different concentrations of sucrose solution can alter the process of osmosis on a potato chip, and in what way it does this. Osmosis Aim: In this experiment I am going to investigate how different concentrations of sucrose solution can alter the process of osmosis on a potato chip, and in what way it does this. Prediction: I predict that due to osmosis and diffusion when there is a pure water solution the potato chip will swell as it absorbs the water to equalise. However, if there is a mild/rich sucrose solution on the out side of the potato chip it will shrink as water is sucked out of them by the process of osmosis. Research: If substance has a semi-permeable wall with holes small enough to allow small water molecules to pass through but not big enough to allow greater sized molecules such as sucrose molecules. Osmosis is a type of diffusion; when there is a higher concentration of a certain type of molecule on one side of a semi-permeable membrane, a process of diffusion (osmosis) tries to level out the balance of the highly concentrated solution to lower the concentration until it is equal on both sides. For example: Some water is placed in a science beaker (A), and then some 20% sucrose 80% water solution is placed in a piece of visking tubing (D). When this is placed in the water contained in the beaker (A) there becomes an imbalance of concentrations either side of the semi-permeable membrane, on the inside of the membrane there is a stronger concentration or ratio of sucrose against water than there is in the outside. Therefore the sucrose would be required to equalise, by 10% or so moving to the outside of the tubing, there comes the problem. Due to the size of the small holes in the visking tubing, big molecules, such as sugar, C6H12O6 that is 24 atoms big, cannot pass through, however small ones such as water, H2O with three atoms to a molecule, can. Therefore, since there is no way of moving the sugar, the best thing to do is to add more water to the inside of the visking tubing. By osmosis and diffusion, the smaller molecules move into the visking tubing whilst the bigger sugar molecules stay. That is osmosis. Plants also use this method to provide nutrients and various chemicals to their cells. Equipment: For my experiment I will need a total of: Four test tubes; one potato; 2%, 5%, 10%, 20% sucrose and water solution; one knife; one marble cutting plate; aluminium foil; four sticky labels. Method: 1. Cut the potato into equal strips and weigh them.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pure and Foolish Love in Othello Essay -- Othello essays

Pure and Foolish Love in Othello       Othello, the central character of William Shakespeare's play is an excellent leader but a poor reasoner and foolish lover. The tragedy of `Othello' is largely due to Othello's personality and life experience. Othello believes himself to be loved and respected by everyone around him as most people refer to him as the "noble General Othello". Othello, after realizing his tragic mistake of murdering his innocent wife, Desdemona, claims he "loved not wisely, but too well", this is an honest reflection of himself as his love was true and pure but also foolish. His lack of wisdom is because of his little experience in personal relationship and his role as a noble solider. Othello did love too well and it is shown right through the play as he displays his love for Desdemona but also his ignorant trust and love for Iago, his Ancient.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Only knowing a soldier's life, Othello was unwise in relationships and love. Othello being a soldier had only ever had formal relationships based mostly   around work until he met Desdemona who he formed his first relationship controlled only by emotion and love that they held for each other. The fact this was his first personal relationship with a woman made him naive in this new experience. Othello's lack of experience made him vulnerable to Iago's falsehoods "In Venice they do let God see the pranks they dare not show their husbands; their best conscience, Is not to leave't undone, but keep't unknown." Iago says to Othello planting a false idea of Venetian woman in Othello's mind. Othello having little knowledge of Venetian woman is easily persuaded to believe Desdemona is unfaithful to him. If Othello had of been a little wiser in lo... ...Desdemona and ignorantly Iago through the course of the play. Othello's comment on his foolishness and depth of his love is valid and justified claim as evidence in the play shows Othello did love unwisely but loved well.    Works Cited and Consulted Bloom, Harold. "Introduction" Modern Critical Interpretations, Othello Ed. Harold Bloom, Pub. Chelsea House New Haven CT 1987. Jones, Eldred. "Othello- An Interpretation" Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Othello. Ed. Anthony G. Barthelemy Pub. Macmillan New York, NY 1994. (page 39-55) Muir, Kenneth. Introduction. William Shakespeare: Othello. New York: Penguin Books, 1968. Neely, Carol. "Women and Men in Othello" Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Othello. Ed. Anthony G. Barthelemy Pub. Macmillan New York, NY 1994. (page 68-90) Shakespeare, William. Othello. Toronto: Pocket Books, 1993.

Dreams in the Great Gatsby

The Broken American Dream of the 1920s An accurate name for the 1920s is the roaring twenties. This was a decade full of social transformation and industrialization. Through this shift, a degradation in social moral occurred. A victim of this shift is the character J. Gatsby in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Gatsby is â€Å"corrupted by values and attitudes that he holds in common with a society that destroys him†(44). Through this mutual and obscured social moral, Gatsby seems to obtain a destructive view of his â€Å"American Dream†. Where the American Dream once â€Å"consisted of the belief that people of talent in this land of opportunity and plenty could reasonably aspire to material success if they adhered to a well-defined set of behaviors†(Trask). These behaviors were actions such as working hard, staying honest, and better educating ones self; much like the list that Gatsby made as a young boy. But with the boom of industrialization, came a trend of bootlegging and get rich quick schemes and unfortunately Gatsby became a victim of the era. As a matter of fact, Gatsby is not the only one who has suffered from this time of moral deterioration. Daisy Buchanan, Gatsby’s object of obsession, also is a victim of a society that allows her to not take responsibility for her actions. Daisy hides behind her public facade and her innocent carefree charm. Her husband Tom Buchanan has also manipulated the greedy, selfish social society that exists on East egg. Tom has no dreams or aspirations and â€Å"seeks excitement first in sport, then in infidelity, seeking identity in a book of racist political philosophy†(Wershoven). In a time of moral peril, each character is corrupted by a societal idea that taints their grasp of the â€Å"American Dream†. During Gatsby’s adolescent years, he has a clear and healthy mindset about what he wanted to accomplish in his life. Gatsby was self-motivated to make something of his life. But once he meets Daisy, Daisy becomes the embodiment of his dreams and the object of his obsession. As a young boy, growing up in North Dakota, Gatsby was motivated to be successful. Gatsby’s father said â€Å" Jimmy was bound to get ahead†. Even as a young adult, Gatsby refused to think of himself as an average person. Gatsby’s parents were â€Å"shiftless and unsuccessful† and Gatsby never â€Å" really accepted them as his parents at all. Instead Gatsby had a schedule of each day that would help him to attain his wealth. As Trask says, â€Å" He early decided that he could contemplate future glory. † Early on Gatsby embodies the ideals of society before the 1920s; he is determined and eager to work hard to independently reach success. This is until he meets Daisy, th e idea of Daisy is what sways Gatsby’s dreams off the right path. Gatsby met Daisy as a young man and hopelessly fell in love with her. However in the end, Daisy broke it off with Gatsby since he was not financially suitable for maintaining her lifestyle. It seems as though Gatsby never recovered from getting his heart broken by Daisy. As Nick says, â€Å" [Gatsby] had a extraordinary gift of hope- a romantic readiness such I have never found in any other person and which is not likely I shall find ever again†(2). Nick also says â€Å"Gatsby turned out alright at the end; it is what preyed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-wind elations of men†(2). Indeed, it was the idea of winning Daisy’s love that drove Gatsby to his success. It corrupted his earlier ideas of working hard and saving his money; now he had to make money fast and resorted to bootlegging. Gatsby becomes frantic at the idea of coming wealthy and instead of slowly climbing up the success latter, he desperately and quickly makes money in any way he can so he can win Daisy back as quickly as possible. Gatsby became consumed with the idea of winning Daisy’s affection and rekindling their past romance. This is apparent when Gatsby describes their first kiss; â€Å"His heart beat faster and faster as Daisy’s white face came up to his own. He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions of her perishable breathe, his mind would never romp again like the mind of god. So he waited†¦Then he kissed her†¦and the incarnation was complete†(112). Gatsby is brought down by Daisy and the â€Å"refusal to see the nature of his own dreams†(Wershoven). Nick sums up Gatsby’s debacle perfectly when he says that perhaps Gatsby’s â€Å"dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in the vast obscurity. What nick says is true, Gatsby was so blinded by love that he could not see Daisy’s flaws and Gatsby ended up paying the ultimate price . As Trask says, Daisy could never become a â€Å"legitimate actualization of Gatsby’s illegitimate dream†(Trask). Among those who have distorted dreams, Daisy Buchanan might perhaps be the worst. Daisy is a selfish, rich girl w ho has never â€Å"been held responsible for her actions, for she embodies the pure freedom of endless choice without consequences†(Wershoven). Daisy has never had to concern herself with worrying about money or materialistic things. Daisy has always gotten things handed to her and would not want it any other way. Daisy takes advantage of the fact that she lives in a society that has put her on a pedistal, and allows her to â€Å"smash† up things without any consquences. Her attractive nature and charm has helped her support this type of lifestyle. Daisy cannot even fathom the idea of having to work for something and therefore she has a sense of entitlement to everything that is given to her. At first Daisy seems harmless and bored as she mindlessly wonders out loud what she will do with the rest of her days. But as the novel goes on, it becomes quite clear that Daisy is not what she seems. Daisy has become a master of manipulation in order to maintain her lavish lifestyle. She knows exactly how to agree with what society expects of her and knows how to dress and maintain her appearance. But despite her warm and inviting appearance, Daisy is quite cold and superficial. Daisy’s ideals of wealth and money lead her to live a superficial and meaningless life that wreaks havoc in the lives of the other characters. It is this love of money that led here to marry her husband Tom Buchanan. Instead of waiting for Gatsby to return to the war, Daisy just decides to marry Tom because of his wealth and promise of a lavish life. Tom even gives her a three-hundred thousand-dollar pearl necklace. Even this amount of money is not enough to ensure Daisy’s fidelity. As soon as Gatsby comes back into town, she begins to have an affair. Even after years of leading Gatsby on, she still breaks his heart when she says that she â€Å"loves them both. † This is when it comes apparent that Daisy will never leave Tom. For Daisy, even true love is not enough to make her change her lifestyle. Her love of money has made her cold and reckless when it comes to love. Another example of Daisy’s reckless nature is when Tom’s mistress, Myrtle Wilson, is killed. Daisy is perfectly content with letting Gatsby take the fall. Not one time does she even contemplate the idea of coming forward to take responsibility. Instead she hides behind her wealth and her appearance. As Wershoven puts it, â€Å"society helps to cover up the deed. † Daisy is an insatiable girl that has no need for validation by others. Daisy wants things and people but, â€Å"there is no space inside her that can be filled, no unfinished part of her can be completed by another†(Wershoven). Therefore, Daisy views people as at her disposal. This is ultimately the attitude that is responsible for Gatsby’s death. Daisy is so caught up in the materialistic needs of that time that she cannot value anything e else. She views everything she has as an accessory; even her own daughter. Were as most parents feel defined by their children’s lives, the reader almost forgets that Daisy even has a daughter at all. She only interacts with her child when it is convenient for her; and when it looks good in front of company. Daisy’s husband, Tom Buchanan is an ex- football star from the same college that Nick attended. Nick describes Tom as â€Å"one of those men that reach such an acute limited excellence at twenty-one that everything afterwards savors anti-climax†(10). Tom falls victim to greed and cannot satisfy his need for more. As Wereshoven says: â€Å"Daisy and Tom are always looking for something, something new and better, for they are bored with the things they already bought. Daisy wonders what they’ll do each day, and the next day, identifying the dilemma of people who can have whatever they want, as soon as they want it† (Wershoven). Tom is in a perpetuating cycle of greed in which he still cannot find satisfaction. He seeks thrills through sports, literature and even infidelity and all fall short of the glory he had back in college. He shares the same kind of entitlement and ignorance as Daisy. Toms idea of good literature are books like the â€Å"The Rise of the Colored Empire† and even expresses to Nick his distress over the submersion of the white race. But even Tom’s attempts at sounding intelligent fall short and he ends up sounding ignorant and pretentious. Another telling thing about Tom is the way he treats the women in his life. While he appears to be happily married to Daisy, he still is having an affair with Myrtle Wilson. For months, Tom brings Myrtle to his apartment in New York and for months, Tom knowingly leads her on. Tom showers her with gifts and even buys her a dog and an expensive leash. However, Tom has no intention of ever leaving Daisy for Myrtle; someone of lower social status than him. But yet Myrtle is under the delusional impression that Tom will leave his wife for her; and she will at last be part of the social network she dreams of. Myrtle is so in love with this idea that in turn, she despises the life that she lives without Tom; including her husband, George Wilson. Tom is also the ultimate hypocrite. While he the first one to criticize Daisy and Gatsby’s affair, he himself is having an affair. When Tom finds out about Daisy’s affair, he confronts Gatsby and says I suppose the latest thing is to sit back and let Mr. Nobody from Nowhere make love to your wife. Well, if that's the idea then you can count me out† (137). He even claims that their affair is a â€Å"step toward inter-racial marriage. † Tom condemns his wife for her infidelity but describes his own as once in a while â€Å"going on a spree making a fool out of [himself], but [he] has always come back, and in [his] heart [he] loves her all the time†. Not only is Tom cheating with George Wilson’s wife, but he also acts as a bully toward George. George Wilson is an honest, good-hearted man and Tom just toys with him. Tom promises George that he will sell his car to him but he really never has any intention of doing so. George Wilson is depending on that money so he can start a new life out west and all Tom is doing is giving him empty promises. When George tries to bring up the subject to Tom, Tom gets offended and says â€Å"† Very well then, I won't sell you the car at all†¦ I'm under no obligations to you at all†¦ And as for your bothering me about it at lunch time I won't stand for that at all! † (122). Tom tries to find satisfaction by making George look like a fool and is amused by how easily he is able to do so. Just like Daisy, Tom has no remorse for the pain he inflicts in others. Overall the characters in The Great Gatsby, all embodied ideals that were emphasized in that time. Women were viewed as accessories and not yet contributing members of society. Women were still in charge of maintaining the home, especially in wealthy households, and concerned themselves with the small things. Daisy takes full advantage of this attitude and successfully gets away with murder. It is Daisy who corrupts J. Gatsby’s ideal of his American dream and instead of working hard, and â€Å"pulling himself up y his own bootstraps†, he resorts to crime in order to become rich quickly so that he can win Daisy back. Instead of working hard for his own self-success, he chases this idea of Daisy. And finally Tom, was a victim of his own insatiable appetite that he could not fulfill. In every aspect of his life, Tom wanted more. Tom held an ideal that was very common throughout the 1920s; that his money and high social class would be able to buy him anything in life. The idea of the American dream is wanting more for ones own life and becoming successful by hard honest work. All these characters shared the same sense of wanting more. But the had immoral ways of fulfilling their needs. Gatsby resorts to criminal activity in order to become wealthy. And Tom and Daisy resort to affairs in trying to satisfy their need for love. Unfortunately Gatsby is the one that pays the price in the end. Work Cited Trask, David F. â€Å"A Note on Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. † University Review. 3. 3 (Mar. 1967): 197-202. Rpt. in Novels for Students. Ed. Diane Telgen. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 1998. 197-202. Literature Resource Center. Gale. 12 Oct. 2009 http://go. galegroup. com/ps/start. do? p=LitRC=a04fu Wershoven, Carol. â€Å"Insatiable Girls. † Child Brides and Intruders. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1993. 92-99. Rpt. in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Ed. Linda Pavlovski. Vol. 157. Detroit: Gale, 2005. 92-9 9. Literature Resource Center. Gale. 12 Oct. 2009 .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Charlie Wilson’s War

For the second portion of my summer assignment I watched Charlie Wilson’s War. Throughout the movie the various governments affected many of the individuals. The movie is set in the cold war where the United states would not openly oppose the USSR. When the United States took action against the Soviets it had to be done covertly. Charlie Wilson was a U. S. Congressman who decided to help the Afghans in there battle against the Soviets. During the movie Charlie tells of how he originally became interested in politics, When he was a boy his twisted neighbor Charles Hazard, an elected city official, poisoned his dog Teddy. To get back at Mr. Hazard, Charlie went out and got a farming drivers permit and drove voters out to the polls, saying before they went to vote, â€Å"Not to influence your vote, but Charles Hazard poisoned my dog. † It was at this moment that Charlie decided that he wanted to be involved in the government, because through the democratic process he was able to get what he wanted. When faced with the conundrum of how to transport all of the weapons into Afghanistan Charlie asked the President of Pakistan to get involved. The Pakistani president would have not have had to do this step of being a â€Å"middle-man† if the US would have declared war with the USSR, but because of the necessity of covert operations the president of Pakistan had to become involved and risk his country to help the United States and Afghanistan. For Charlie to convince the chairman of the committee overseeing covert operations in the area to vote in his favor he said that he must get a blind pakistani girl out of jail, the girl was put in there because she was raped, and there were not enough witnesses to prove her innocence. The chairman said that if the President of Pakistan released her then he would vote in Charlie’s favor. Because of Pakistan’s Policies the girl was put in jail because she was not able to provide a description of her attacker. Also many Sheep herds were killed by the Soviets Helicopter Pilots.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Good, the Bad, and ‘the Daily Show’ Reading Analysis

Analysis of The Good, The Bad, and The Daily Show In Jason Zinser’s â€Å"The Good, the Bad, and  The Daily Show† his purpose was to formulate a response to the uncertainty regarding the legitimacy and ethics of ‘fake’ news sources. Zinser begins by discussing if it is acceptable to obtain information from a humorous and often satirical news source (in this example,  The Daily Show), he points out that â€Å"the question isn’t whether Jon Stewart or the show’s producers and writers are morally corrupt people, but whether or not fake news is, on the whole, beneficial or damaging to society† (Zinser 363-364).In other words, he begs the question, can we really be an informed public that can contribute, comprehend, and function as a democracy through the projections of a ‘fake’ news source? Zinser then makes the claim that ‘fake’ news causes two vices, the first being deception due to the lack of valuing object ivity in their reports. The second is dilution, both in the quality of media from the variance of online sources as well as adding excessive news reports attracting more viewers to what is typically a hard news source.Zinser also reminds us of the beneficial aspects in ‘fake’ news. Empirical data suggests a trend that either viewers of The Daily Show  are better informed than those watching hard news because of its effectiveness, or, on the other hand that it attracts viewers who already know about the current events being discussed, evidence of its success.The ideal solution, he concludes, would be to merge the two, retaining the power and persuasion of  The Daily Show  as well as including â€Å"depth and insight† more apparent in hard news reports, helping viewers understand different sides of the arguments present (Zinser 371). When diving into Zinser’s writing, some similar aspects from George Orwell’s, Politics in the English Language ca me to mind. Orwell states, â€Å"foolish thoughts, being a result of language, language has become a result of foolish thoughts.Vagueness is the most evident characteristic of the English prose. There is a lack of imagery and the figurative language no longer gives a connection to images and concrete thoughts. † When comparing this to the satirical writing and language that Zinser speaks of in The Good, The Bad, and ‘The Daily Show’ it creates a perfect picture of how by exemplifying the two vices, (deception and dilution) misconceptions can easily happen, especially when your only news source is a satirical ‘fake’ ews source. When thinking about some of the other ‘fake’ news sources, one example that might be overlooked is The Onion: a very popular source from which the stories are based on fact but written in a humorous and satirical way. Being that The Onion makes fun of all different types of news events from health issues to sports, The Onion actually delves into multiple aspects of our culture in a comical way but still delivering facts and informing people about what is going on in the world.In this case it can be just as influential as real news. In fact an example of The Onions influential satirical news was captured when they published the world’s sexiest man and posted Kim Jong Un (the North Korean Dictator) as the sexiest man alive. North Korea took it serious and published it in their local paper and made a big deal out of it (news. yahoo. com). It is in this same sense that is described in Zinser’s analysis of this so called ‘fake’ news that you can get an idea of the actual influence this has on our culture.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rome 100-600 Essays

Rome 100-600 Essays Rome 100-600 Essay Rome 100-600 Essay Emma Betz World History AP Period 2 Comparison Essay on Rome Between 100 C. E. and 600 C. E. , Rome went under many changes both culturally and politically. Culturally, Rome had a change in the empire’s religious beliefs. Politically, there was a division of the empire. With so many changes, there were a few continuities, such as Paterfamilias and the political standing of women. Religion was a large part of any Roman’s life that was changed drastically. In the early empire, Paganism, where there was a belief in many gods, was the main religion. When the idea of Christianity came around, it initially attracted the poor. Eventually it gained popularity in the other classes. Eventually such a large amount of people believed in Christianity that even though the authorities had rejected the religion in 100 C. E. , Constantine was forced to legalize it in 313 C. E. Christianity quickly spread through the Roman Empire and took over the other religions. A huge change politically was the division of the Roman Empire into east and west. There were extreme economic issues and battles both internally and externally. During this time, most of the emperors were weak and there were many disputes over who was next in line for the throne. Germanic tribes took advantage of the chaos and tried to take over land to the east and west. Rome had to split their forces in order to fight them, dividing the empire. Another reason for the division was that the Roman Empire was so vast that there were too many different ideas on how to run the empire and it was impossible to make everyone happy, thus dividing the empire. Paterfamilias was one way culturally that Rome did not change. A male who was the father had complete control over his family. He had control of his children’s lives for his whole life. He controlled their occupations, spouses, economic possessions, and could choose to kill them if he wished; although, he usually tried to consider their needs and desires. He had power until his death and was the only member of a family that had full legal rights. Paterfamilias remained dominant through 100 C. E. to 600C. E. Women’s political status did not change during this time period. Women offered advice, plotted behind others backs, and sometimes went through in public, but they were denied public office and a role in government. They had no political importance, although some women influenced their husbands and sons who had high power. Freeborn women generally had more rights than freedwomen. Women were unable to own property. The only women who had some rights were those who took a vow to chastity (the Vestal Virgins in Rome), they were more respected in society and even had the privilege to own land. The Roman’s experienced many cultural and political changes, religion and division, and many continuities, Paterfamilias and standards of women. These changes and continuities between 100 C. E. and 600 C. E. influenced other matters and changed the Roman Empire throughout the rest of it’s history.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Use Attribution Correctly as a Reporter

How to Use Attribution Correctly as a Reporter Attribution simply means telling your readers where the information in your story comes from, as well as who is being quoted. Generally, attribution means using a source’s full name and job title  if thats relevant. Information from sources can be paraphrased or quoted directly, but in both cases, it should be attributed. Attribution Style Keep in mind that on-the-record attribution - meaning a sources full name and job title are given - should be used whenever possible. On-the-record attribution is inherently more credible than any other type of attribution for the simple reason that the ​source has put their name on the line with the information theyve provided. But there are some cases where a  source might not be willing to give full on-the-record attribution. Lets say youre an investigative reporter looking into allegations of corruption in city government. You have a source in the mayors office who is willing to give you information, but hes worried about repercussions if his name is revealed. In that case, you as the reporter would talk to this source about what kind of attribution he is willing to commit to. You are compromising on full on-the-record attribution because the story is worth getting for the public good. Here are some examples of different kinds of attribution. Source – Paraphrase Jeb Jones, a resident of the trailer park, said the sound of the tornado was terrifying. Source – Direct Quote â€Å"It sounded like a giant locomotive train coming through. I’ve never heard anything like it,† said Jeb Jones, who lives in the trailer park. Reporters often use both paraphrases and direct quotes from a source. Direct quotes provide immediacy and a more connected, human element to the story. They tend to draw the reader in. Source – Paraphrase and Quote Jeb Jones, a resident of the trailer park, said the sound of the tornado was terrifying. â€Å"It sounded like a giant locomotive train coming through. I’ve never heard anything like it,† Jones said. (Notice that in Associated Press style,  a source’s full name is used on the first reference, then just the last name on all subsequent references. If your source has a specific title or rank, use the title before his full name on the first reference, then just the last name after that.) When to Attribute Any time the information in your story comes from a source  and not from your own firsthand observations or knowledge, it must be attributed. A good rule of thumb is to attribute once per paragraph if you are telling the story mainly through comments from an interview or eyewitnesses to an event. It might seem repetitive, but it’s important for reporters to be clear about where their information originates. Example: The suspect escaped from the police van on Broad Street, and officers captured him about a block away on Market Street, said Lt. Jim Calvin. Different Types of Attribution In his book News Reporting and Writing,  journalism professor Melvin Mencher outlines four distinct types of attribution: 1. On the record: All statements are directly quotable and attributable, by name and title, to the person making the statement. This is the most valuable type of attribution. Example: The U.S. has no plans to invade Iran, said White House press secretary Jim Smith. 2. On Background: All statements are directly quotable but cant be attributed by name or specific title to the person commenting. Example: The U.S. has no plans to invade Iran, a White House spokesman said. 3. On Deep Background: Anything that is said in the interview is usable but not in a  direct quotation and not for attribution. The  reporter  writes it in his own words.   Example: Invading Iran is not in the cards for the U.S.   4. Off the Record: Information is for the reporters use only and is not to be published. The information also is not to be taken to another source in hopes of getting confirmation.   You probably don’t need to get into all of Mencher’s categories when you’re interviewing a source. But you should clearly establish how the information your source gives you can be attributed.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

King Richard I, the Lionheart, of England, Crusader

King Richard I, the Lionheart, of England, Crusader King Richard I, the Lionheart (September 8, 1157–April 6, 1199) was an English king and one of the leaders of the Third Crusade. He is known both for his military skill and the neglect of his realm because of his long absence. Fast Facts: Richard I the Lionheart Known For:  Helped lead the Third Crusade, monarch of England from 1189 to 1199Also Known As:  Richard CÅ“ur de Lion, Richard the Lionheart, Richard I of EnglandBorn:  September 8, 1157 in Oxford, EnglandParents: King Henry II of England and Eleanor of AquitaineDied:  April 6, 1199 in Chà ¢lus,  Duchy of AquitaineSpouse: Berengaria of NavarreNotable Quote: We, however, place the love of God and His honour above our own and above the acquisition of many regions. Early Life Born September 8, 1157, Richard the Lionheart was the third legitimate son of King Henry II of England. Often believed to have been the favorite son of his mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Richard had three older siblings, William (who died in infancy), Henry, and Matilda, as well as four younger: Geoffrey, Lenora, Joan, and John. As with many English rulers of the Plantagenet line, Richard was essentially French and his focus tended to lean toward the familys lands in France rather than England. Following the separation of his parents in 1167, Richard was invested duchy of Aquitaine. Revolt Against Henry II Well-educated and of dashing appearance, Richard quickly demonstrated skill in military matters and worked to enforce his fathers rule in the French lands. In 1174, encouraged by their mother, Richard and his brothers Henry (the Young King) and Geoffrey (Duke of Brittany) rebelled against their fathers rule. Responding quickly, Henry II was able to crush this revolt and captured Eleanor. With his brothers defeated, Richard submitted to his fathers will and asked for forgiveness. His greater ambitions checked, Richard turned his focus to maintaining his rule over Aquitaine and controlling his nobles. Shifting Alliances Ruling with an iron fist, Richard was forced to put down major revolts in 1179 and 1181–1182. During this time, tensions again rose between Richard and his father when the latter demanded that his son pay homage to his older brother Henry. Refusing, Richard was soon attacked by Henry the Young King and Geoffrey in 1183. Confronted by this invasion and a revolt of his own barons, Richard was able to skillfully turn back these attacks. Following the death of Henry the Young King in June 1183, Richards father King Henry II ordered John to continue the campaign. Seeking aid, Richard formed an alliance with King Philip II of France in 1187. In return for Philips assistance, Richard ceded his rights to Normandy and Anjou. That summer, upon hearing of the Christian defeat at the Battle of Hattin, Richard took the cross at Tours with other members of the French nobility. Victory and Becoming King In 1189, Richard and Philips forces united against Henry II and won a victory at Ballans in July. Meeting with Richard, Henry agreed to name him as his heir. Two days later, Henry died and Richard ascended to the English throne. He was crowned at Westminster Abbey in September 1189. Following his coronation, a rash of anti-Semitic violence swept through the country as Jews had been barred from the ceremony. Punishing the perpetrators, Richard immediately began making plans to go on a crusade to the Holy Land. Going to extremes to raise money for the army, he finally was able to assemble a force of around 8,000 men. After making preparations for the protection of his realm in his absence, Richard and his army departed in the summer of 1190. Dubbed the Third Crusade, Richard planned to campaign in conjunction with Philip II and Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa of the Holy Roman Empire. The Crusade Begins Rendezvousing with Philip at Sicily, Richard aided in settling a succession dispute on the island, which involved his sister Joan, and conducted a brief campaign against Messina. During this time, he proclaimed his nephew, Arthur of Brittany, to be his heir, leading his brother John to start planning a revolt at home. Moving on, Richard landed in Cyprus to rescue his mother and his future bride, Berengaria of Navarre. Defeating the islands despot, Isaac Komnenos, he completed his conquest and married Berengaria on May 12, 1191. Pressing on, he landed in the Holy Land at Acre on June 8. Shifting Alliances in the Holy Land Arriving in the Holy Land, Richard gave his support to Guy of Lusignan, who was fighting a challenge from Conrad of Montferrat for the kingship of Jerusalem. Conrad was in turn backed by Philip and Duke Leopold V of Austria. Putting aside their differences, the Crusaders captured Acre that summer. After taking the city, problems again arose as Richard contested Leopolds place in the Crusade. Though not a king, Leopold had ascended to the command of Imperial forces in the Holy Land after the death of Frederick Barbarossa in 1190. After Richards men pulled down Leopolds banner at Acre, the Austrian departed and returned home in anger. Soon after, Richard and Philip began arguing in regard to the status of Cyprus and the kingship of Jerusalem. In poor health, Philip elected to return to France leaving Richard without allies to face Saladins Muslim forces. Battling Saladin Pushing south, Richard defeated Saladin at Arsuf on September 7, 1191, and then attempted to open peace negotiations. Initially rebuffed by Saladin, Richard spent the early months of 1192 refortifying Ascalon. As the year wore on, both Richard and Saladins positions began to weaken and the two men entered into negotiations. Knowing that he could not hold Jerusalem if he took it and that John and Philip were plotting against him at home, Richard agreed to raze walls at Ascalon in exchange for a three-year truce and Christian access to Jerusalem. After the agreement was signed on September 2, 1192, Richard departed for home. Returning to England Shipwrecked en route to England, Richard was forced to travel overland and was captured by Leopold in December. Imprisoned first in Dà ¼rnstein and then at Trifels Castle in the Palatinate, Richard was largely kept in comfortable captivity. For his release, the Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI demanded 150,000 marks. While Eleanor of Aquitaine worked to raise the money for his release, John and Philip offered Henry VI 80,000 marks to hold Richard until at least Michaelmas 1194. Refusing, the emperor accepted the ransom and released Richard on February 4, 1194. Returning to England, Richard quickly forced John to submit to his will but did name his brother as his heir, supplanting his nephew Arthur. With the situation in England in hand, Richard returned to France to deal with Philip. Death Constructing an alliance against his former friend, Richard won several victories over the French during the next five years. In March 1199, Richard laid siege to the small castle of Chalus-Chabrol. On the night of March 25, while walking along the siege lines, he was struck in the left shoulder by an arrow. Unable to remove it himself, he summoned a surgeon who took out the arrow but severely worsened the wound in the process. Shortly thereafter, gangrene set in and the king died in his mothers arms on April 6, 1199. Legacy Richard has a mixed legacy, as some historians point to his military skill and the daring necessary to go on crusade, while others emphasize his cruelty and neglect for his realm. Though king for 10 years, he only spent around six months in England and the remainder of his reign in his French lands or abroad. He was succeeded by his brother John. Sources Dafoe, Stephen. â€Å"King Richard I – The Lionheart.†Ã‚â€Å"History - King Richard I.†Ã‚  BBC, BBC.â€Å"Medieval Sourcebook: Itinerarium Peregrinorum Et Gesta Regis Ricardi: Richard the Lionheart Makes Peace with Saladin, 1192.†Ã‚  Internet History Sourcebooks Project.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Process Essay

Process Essay Process Essay Process Essay We Are Learning to Describe Correctly! Im absolutely curious person from the early childhood. There was not a case in our house when I stood still without poking my nose into some affair. When the microwave worked, I always tried to unlock the panel and look inside of the oven. When the washing machine laundered our dirty clothes, I always want to open the hatch and touch the barrel in the epicenter of centrifuge. I even tried to dismantle our fringe just to understand its function of cooling the food. In other words, I was interested in the processes of the work, when these devices were exploited. Probably, when you are writing the process essay you should use the same approach to human curiosity: Process Essay: The Purpose and the Structure. Actually, the purpose of process essay is quite obvious: to describe the process of some phenomenon or happening correctly. In other words, in your work you pay special attention to the process and its features, supporting your report by facts and solid arguments. It means that to describe the process correctly you have to understand the process from within and it would be better, if you find out the process directly, in practice. There are some principles in the working with process essay: Think about the plan of your description it could be a simple outline, that helps you to display the process gradually; Begin your description with the main thesis, and then illustrate the process in details; Use the method Step-by-Step when you describe the process. Divide your process essay on some phases for the simplicity; You could present your work as the process direction essay just to explain the purpose, stages and practical needs of describing process. Do not forget to describe both the aim of each stage and the whole process Conclude your work and make the appropriate outcome. Process Essay: The Final Result. As you can see there are no serious difficulties in the working with process essay. I think that every person could describe any process just using the above-mentioned tips. Also, you may give your readers some usual advice, concerned with your process essay topic. In addition, if it possible, you could raise the specific questions about the topic it will be a good precondition for discussion and debates. Anyway, show your skills of fantasy your task is to interest the reader and attract the attention to your essay by all means. Read also: Creation Paper Cause Effect Papers Writing a College Term Paper Great Expectations Essay Great Essays

Sunday, November 3, 2019

GEOGRAPHIES OF SUSTAINABLE FOOD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

GEOGRAPHIES OF SUSTAINABLE FOOD - Essay Example Sustainable food system refers to a mutual set of sustainable food production processing, distribution, consumption and waste management with an aim of enhancing environmental economics and global social health. It is for this reason that farmers and consumers often partner in developing food sustainability projects in order to achieve a stable family farm base for a nutritious, adequate and affordable diet, create food and agricultural policies to promote food sustainability base (Robinson 113). Challenges confronting global food system The world’s rapid population increase calls for more demand of food amid changing consumption patterns and food scarcity. This is one of the biggest challenges facing the world’s global food system. The current century has experienced stunning statistics on population increase expectations with the population expected to rise by 1.4 billion people. This rise in population calls for close to 50 % increase in demand of food. It is shockin g to note that with this rise in population consumption patterns continue to get complicated. The cost of production has gone up as well leading to production of fewer quantities than before. In this regard, the global food system must be managed sustainably in the next decade in order to increase food production level to cater for the increase. To meet this demand the use of technology has become inevitable. However, the use of technology has received a worldwide uproar on safety matters owing to the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in production. But, can universal food security be assured without the use of fertilizers and pesticides? Sustainable production of secure food can be achieved by reducing distortions in configuration of the global food market and the environment. Although many countries in developed and developing countries have large junks of unused land resources, they do not grow enough food to feed their populations. Such land resource does not only rema in untapped but also ecologically vulnerable. This is a big challenge to food sustainability. In addition to this, insolvency of the earth’s natural resources through consumption of resources beyond the earth’s production capability has led to complete depletion of the earth’s scarce resources. The other challenge affecting global food system is inequitable distribution of production resources, lack of employment or underemployment. This has rendered a greater percentage of population unable to feed their families and dependants. It has also challenged food production due to the inability to till land for production of food leading to over-reliance of foreign funding and relief food (Wilson 2). If more people were to be funded in the agricultural sector, it would mean more food availability and money to buy food. This is because agriculture is a solution to food and employment challenges. Therefore, countries with a culture of importing food from other countries tend to encourage high rate of unemployment since a culture of importing discourages agricultural activities. This is because importation marginalizes people forcing them to destroy resource base to sustain their livelihood. It is vital for agricultural resource base to be maintained because it contributes to good husbandry and sustainable management while easing rural-urban migration and in combating poverty. Measures of a