Thursday, April 16, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics - Law Enforcement

Argumentative Essay Topics - Law EnforcementArgumentative essay topics include Law Enforcement. This is a topic that provides the opportunity to answer points that students want to make, in an attempt to demonstrate their knowledge about a certain subject. It will also provide the opportunity for students to express their opinion about a situation that they have read about. It will be important to always keep your knowledge about this topic up to date, and to ensure that you are making relevant points that pertain to the situation being presented.Students should always read several different sources on this topic. Many students will skip the more technical areas of law enforcement and simply assume that they know what it is all about. This will be shown in the grades, and is not something that you want to do.The students will be giving examples from events, people, or just general public opinion, to help illustrate their point. This is a great opportunity for students to show their r easoning skills and to demonstrate their thought process, which is very useful in their reasoning for this subject.The arguments on law enforcement are presented in a number of ways. You can always take it one of two ways, either presenting your opinion as being factual, or being able to relate your experiences and explain your reasoning for those opinions.There are many different types of reasons why people may come into contact with law enforcement. For example, accidents, police officers, criminals, and many other examples exist. There is always the opportunity to use any of these examples and to support any point that you wish to make.When you are reading about law enforcement, you will want to make sure that you are demonstrating your knowledge. This includes your knowledge of laws and policies, as well as your reasoning skills. Any information that you provide, can be used to support your argument, and you want to make sure that you do this.One thing that you must also make su re that you do, is to always come back to your point. Every student is different, and you will need to evaluate and respond to different people. This is important, and it is true that you can never fully prepare for someone else's response.The more you learn about law enforcement, the better you will become at using your abilities in this area. It will give you the opportunity to have a great time and to have a good grade at the end of the semester.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Minit-Lube Case Study Essay Example

Minit-Lube Case Study Paper Date: September 12, 2011 1. What constitutes the mission of Minit-Lube? To provide fast, reliable and superior service in a customer friendly environment while ensuring lowest possible prices. 2. How does the Minit-Lube operations strategy provide competitive advantage? A narrow products strategy could be defined as lubricating automobiles that allows the subsequent development of more focused and efficient operations. Because of limited task variety, high repetition, good training, and good manuals, quality should be relatively easy to maintain. The process strategy allows employees and capital investment to focus on doing this mission well, rather than trying to be a general purpose garage or gas station. Facilities are usually located near residential areas. The three bays are designed specifically for lubrication and vacuuming tasks to minimize wasted movement on the part of the employees and to contribute to the speedier service. Purchasing is facilitated by negotiation of large purchases and custom packaging. Focuses on hiring a few employees with limited skills and training them in a limited number of tasks during the performance of which they can be closely supervised. Should be relatively low, and they should expect a high turnover. Scheduling: Scheduling should be very direct, assisting both staffing and customer relation. Very little equipment to be maintained, little preventive maintenance required. We will write a custom essay sample on Minit-Lube Case Study specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Minit-Lube Case Study specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Minit-Lube Case Study specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer With three bay and three systems, there is backup available in the case of failure. 3. Is it likely that Minit-Lube has increased productivity over its more traditional competitors? Why? How would we measure productivity in this industry? Yes, precise task assignments and good training are designed to move the car into and out of the bay in 10 minutes. The idea is to charge no more, and hopefully less, than gas stations, automotive repair chains, and auto dealers, while providing better service.